Eieb Dreago

Captain Eieb Dreago


Eieb is a young water Genasi of 24 years who was born on the city island of Mintarn in the Sword Sea, a lawless place of piracy and trade. He was born to two upper-class political elites, Bantur and Droyama Chissember. Bantur acts as a state-issued mediator representing the interests of Waterdeep and other Sword Coast cities against pirates, and thus belongs to a small group of government-protected men within the otherwise lawless city of Mintarn. Eieb's parents were unaware of any elemental ancestry at the time of his birth and saw the then-nameless genasi as a curse and a disgrace. They left him in the streets of lower Mintarn the day of his birth; thus, Eieb does not know his familial origins.   The young genasi, with his rare and therefore potentially valuable mysticism, was quickly picked up by a 'orphanage' run by a poor dockworker, Dante Deeco, in the lower city. This orphanage operated from under the docks and was sustained entirely by thievery and begging conducted by the fifteen or so orphans under Dante's care. This group was named The Sunken Orphanage for its location under disrepaired docks.   At the age of nine, A major conflict nearly destroyed lower Mintarn when The Drowned Fleet raided the stronghold of their enemy, The Red Death. The Drowned Fleet burned the stronghold, and the fire spread across the city and to the docks, destroying the Sunken Orphanage. During the ensuing raid, a Captain of the Drowned Fleet found Eieb and, knowing the power of water genasi, stole him away.   Eieb spent years under the protection and training of Captain Thein the Thankful, a human named not for his true appreciation but for his tradition of forcing his enemies to describe what they are thankful for before he killed them. In the ensuing 10 years, Eieb learned the ins and outs of piracy and became popular among the crew of The Moon Wraith, a deep blue ship with white sails known for its ability to sneak up on targets with otherworldly stealth. When Thein died in a battle against a Red Death ship, he passed control of The Wraith to his adopted son Eieb instead of his First Mate Sindur, a Kenku with decades more experience than the young pirate.   Eieb captained The Moon Wraith for three years while retaining Sindur as first mate. He chose to leave the Drowned Fleet six months before the campaign, an action only tolerated because of Thein's good standing and because of a signed agreement to stay out of the Fleet's way. Eieb was moderately successful for those years; however, unbeknownst to him, Sindur had been planting seeds of doubt among the crew since his induction into Captain-hood. He purposefully fed the captain misinformation which led to failed raids and losses of men, destroying his credibility. Eieb had caught on to the brewing ill feelings of his crew but cannot locate the source of discontent, as Sindur has, outwardly, been nothing but loyal. However, he continued to travel The Shining Sea, seeking fortune fame that will win back the loyalty of his crew.   In 129 PU, Eieb pursued a profitable bounty on the leaders of a group called The Corpse Eaters fleeing Thay. He managed to find them and led an assault. To his surprise, he saw Sindur kill one of the two leaders while he was unarmed, purposefully cutting their payment in half. Eieb did however manage to capture the other leader, Rickemash.   Once back on board, Sindur accused Eieb of intentionally killing the second bounty. The crew saw this as a last straw and mutinied the captain, throwing him into the ocean and sailing away. Eieb found himself sharing a small rowboat with Rick, who managed to escape during the commotion of the mutiny and stole the rowboat.   Rick and Eieb were forced to work together to survive. Eieb propelled the boat by shaping water around it and provided the pair of them with fresh water. Once they had found land, later recognized as The Dry Isle, Rick provided ample food for them both. The pair were stranded on a small island for just over six months before they were able to get the attention of a passing trade ship, The Ninth Sparrow. During that time, the pair became close friends.
Current Residence
Dark blue
Deep blue, nearly black and shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Other Affiliations