Caer Castellin


  According to the ancient dwarven Prince Calidyyr, Caer Castellin was hand-crafted by his father, King Magnin Gemshifter as a gift to his third son, Prince Castellin. Although smaller than the other two Broethen Caerali (Brother Cities), Caer Castellin quickly became the favored city of Magnin's people after its construction for its superior design and protected port.   Although unconfirmed, Calidyyr suspects that the city was abandoned some time after his imprisonment in tethorite, although the presence of dwarven ghosts in Castellin's Temple indicates the evacuation was at least partially unsuccessful. The cause of the evacuation is currently unknown; however, having found the city's massive stone gates closed, Calidyyr suspects an outside threat. Even Calidyyr does not know how long the gates had been closed, but it had clearly been long enough for the Great Well and most of the city tiers to flood with rainwater.   The lost city of Castellin was rediscovered by Eieb Dreago, Yuan-ton, Narcissa Crow, Rickemash, and Anteries Solander on the first day of Eleint, year 130 PU (post union). Although the port's gates were closed and grown over, the group was able to penetrate the city through an emergency access tunnel built into the mountain. At the time, six of the city's eight tiers were submerged in a freshwater lake, which itself occupied several unknown species of endemic fish. It is assumed that these endemics went extinct once the city was drained through the port gates.   Caer Castellin now serves as a base of operations for the party. The city's population continues to grow as more and more misfits, exiles, loners, and refugees move in under the party's invitation.  


Caer Castellin is carved from one massive formation of sandstone high in the island's primary mountain. It is situated in eight concentric tiers, which become smaller and less elaborate as they descend the mountainside. According to Calidyyr, these tiers represented a rigid caste system in ancient dwarvish culture. These tiers were named, from the lowest upward: Docking Tier, Housing Tier, Market Tier, Pleasure Tier, Royal Tier, Garden Tier, Temple Tier. In the center of the city circle is The Great Well, which plummets approximately 200 feet to the ocean below. The Great Well's massive stone gates can be closed from the Docking Tier, hiding the entire city behind a natural-looking false cliff. The entire city is decorated in motifs which revere Wazari, The Wildmother.   The Docking Tier served as a port and boasts and impressive mechanical system by which ships can be lifted from The Great Well. For this, a ship must align itself in a large stone lift in the ocean below, which rises to capture the ship and surrounding water. Over about twenty minutes, the ship is then raised along a stone track and secured at a dock above. The Docking Tier currently houses the Party Fleet.   The Housing Tier consists of tightly-packed stone homes of mediocre quality, and once housed the majority of Castellin's ancient citizens.   The Market Tier is the trade center of the city and boasts many artisan shops. Although upper-tier citizens usually sent servants to this tier, they sometimes perused market stalls.   The Pleasure Tier was reserved for middle- and upper-class citizens only. It contains upscale taverns and restaurants, parks and pools, the city's church, a stable, spas and resorts, and other high-class buildings.   The Royal Tier was home to the city's highest class citizens, including Magnin and his family. Several homes on the royal tier are constructed with balconies which overlook the bustle of the city below. Middle- and low-class citizens were not allowed on the Royal Tier except by invitation.   The Garden Tier is reserved for royalty only, and contains a beatiful set of peaceful gardens as well as a massive koi pond.   The Temple Tier is empty except for the entrance to Castellin's Temple, which was built to eventually serve as a tomb for its namesake prince. The temple descends into the heart of the mountain through a maze of stone tunnels. The temple also holds the dwarves' portal system. The tier also serves as an access point for the city's secret escape tunnel, which had been infested with goblins prior to the city's rediscovery.  


Caer Castellin is currently home to 280 people. Demography is dominated by what is typically considered 'monster races,' including a large population of freed yuan-ti slaves and the entirety of the Silver Sickle clan of changelings. Currently, only six humans reside in the city-- a group of dockworkers hired from the Chultan Penninsula.   Citizens of Note
  • Mairs/Reno
  • Seg
  • Prince Calidyyr
  • Dusty Feather
  • Layanna Ali
  • Anteries Solander
  • Barona Broadtusk
  • Avelon Black
  • Tian
  • Caspian Ventura
  • Kelchi
  • Vanakra
  • Tali
  • Failur Palesun


  • Calidyyr mentioned that Castellani cinnamon rolls used to be world-famous.
  • Seg, the renowned changeling storyteller, has described Caer Castellin as "The Ancient City of the Lost, a hope to those who have no other home."
  • By decree of Eieb Dreago, citizens must arrange themselves randomly across the city tiers in effort to avoid race and class based neighborhoods.
  • Caer Castellin was home to two dire jaguars upon its rediscover, which have since been tamed by Dusty Feather and now guard the temple entrance.
  • Caer Castellin is home to the growing pastime of cockroach racing, introduced and led by the goblin Kelchi.
  • Citizens of Castellin have an understanding that shiny rocks serve as currency within the city, but only for the goblin Kelchi.
"Magnin, King of all, father of wild, harbinger of victory. As your humble servant I ask for access to the tomb of your son, Castellin of the Empire. I wish to revere in the bloodline of the Wildmother, cast my belief to those with The Blood, and gift his death with mourning." -- Prince Calidyyr
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