Kenyatta Solander


Kenyatta Solander was born to Sena'ya Ray in Waterdeep over 700 years ago, who, at the time, led one of the two largest churches of Aethon Sol. As is tradition, she was groomed from a young age to become the next leader of the Western Church, which primarily worships the rising sun, and was first contact by Aethon as the very young age of three.   Kenyatta was cherished by her church's followers and often referred to as Sol'ani, meaning 'Sun Hope' in elvish. The name was given to her after a sermon by her mother which professed a vision of the young high elf, only 26 at the time, leading her people to a time of peace. Weighted with the expectation that she would end the Era of War, Kenyatta took her role as High Princess very seriously, and spent the majority of her adolescence communing with her people and establishing early political alliances.   When she reached the age of 186, Kenyatta officially stepped into her role as High Priestess of the Western Church upon the natural death of her mother. Under her leadership, the church expanded its humanitarian efforts beyond the reaches of Waterdeep's province, assisting those in need both along the Sword Coast and interior toward the Sea of Fallen Stars. In 741 EW, she approached Reyven Solander, High Priest of the Eastern Church of Aethon Sol, which primarily worships the setting sun, and proposed a marriage which would symbolically unite the two churches. Reyven accepted under the condition that they produce a child in the following years which would cement the union into the future.   Both Kenyatta and Reyven moved to Procampur, a city located in the approximate midpoint between Waterdeep and Reyven's home of Eltabar. In 750 EW, Kenyatta gave birth to Anteries Solander, whose name meant 'one of the noonday sun'. Her given name was meant to represent the middle ground of sunrise and sunset-- the high noon sun, when Aethon's light shines brightest. Anteries' birth officially represented the worldwide union of Aethon Sol's church, which stimulated the union of other churches and the beginning of the Post Union Era of peace. Thus, Kenyatta is thought to have fulfilled her destiny as as 'sun hope.'
Divine Classification
High Priestess
Current Location
long, golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations