
Procampur, also known as 'The Seat of Light' for its close association with The Solarium, headquarters of The Church of Light, is located near to the center of the continent of Faerun. It rests on the precipice of massive white cliffs along the norther border of the Sea of Fallen Stars, and is known for its impenetrable defenses, high-class populace, and general bounty of wealth.  


Procampur is thought to be built upon one of the oldest city ruins in the world, younger only than the buried ruins of Cormanthor in the deep forest to the northeast. This is evidenced primarily by the presence of the largest nionliason, or 'honey-bee stone' translated from elvish, structure currently known-- a massive, 50 ft tall wall of ancient, indestructible material lining the city from one cliff edge to the other. Several other large nionliason buildings stand within the walls, including may of the buildings now used for landmarks of significance, such as the Grand Faerunian Museum.   Originally, Procampur was an abandoned site which naturally filled with sentients seeking protection from the outside world after a near-extinction event thought to occur on Faerun approximately 10,000 years ago. At the time, the city was mostly populated by high elves, and some believe most refugees came from the destroyed remains of Cormathor, the elves' ancient capital. The city seems to have sustained a relatively stable small isolated population for much of the following thousands of years, self-sustained through agriculture and trade within the walls.   Procampur was not developed into a large city until much later in its lifetime, shortly before the start of the Era of War. At that time, much of the agricultural lands were replaced with developed homes as Procampur began outsourcing harvest food and other goods from other cities along the edge of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It enjoyed an explosion in popularity in 745 EW when Kenyatta Solander and Reyven Solander moved to the city as a symbolic worldwide union of the Church of Light. The city quickly became associated with the church and, culturally, became known as The Seat of Light.   Shortly after this population boom, the city experienced a devastating explosion which destroyed nearly every structure within the walls aside from the ancient nionliason buildings. Officially, the explosion was discovered to be an attack on the city by The Silver Alliance, a large group of changelings that appeared after The Peaceful War. This attack contributed to The Union's decision to ban worship of the changelings' goddess, Selune.   Because the explosion took place on the night of the birth of Anteries Solander, who represented the union of the Eastern and Western Churches of Light, Kenyatta prophesized that the devastation represented an opportunity to build a new era of peace from the ground up. An inspiring speech by the High Priestess motivated the citizens of Procampur to elect her as the city's official ruler, hoping that she could save them from the devastation. Kenyatta and Reyven Solander funded the reconstruction of the city through the church, sparing no expense in both defense technology and architecture, and provided monetary assistance to Procampur's citizens. As such, Procampur is often hailed as the most technologically advanced, safe, beautiful, and wealthy city in Faerun. Because of the Church of Light's influence, it is the only major city in Fearun known to worship Aethon Sol more so than Bahamut.
Alternative Name(s)
The Seat of Light
Inhabitant Demonym
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