Moon Chamber

The moon chamber is a technology developed by Magitech Institute with assistance from Illitha Lifeblood. The technology allows werewolves to experience the thrills of moonrage without harming themselves or others.   The chamber consists of a comfortable, padded room which may seat up to ten werewolves. Just before the rise of the full moon, the werewolves are injected with a small amount of serum and locked into the room while the serum works over several minutes. The serum is a concoction containing small amounts of Surger Ant venom which paralyze the participating werewolves while providing them with a shared hallucination, in which they may rampage together freely. Doses are specified to each werewolves weight such that they will regain consciousness shortly after sunrise.    


  A newer technology, a moon chamber has only malfunctioned once, when used by Rickemash on the full moon of Uktar year 130 PU, during a party hosted by Lyle Silvershield. The malfunction resulted in the transformation of Rick into a grotesque, fleshy monster vaguely shaped like a massive werewolf. This monster escaped and bit several party-goers, which entered his nightmarish shared hallucination. During this time, victims became partially paralyzed in the region localized to the bite. The spread of the hallucination appears to have been facilitated by the victims' tendency to become viscously aggressive or defensive as a result of the hallucination.   By witness of Yuan-ton, malfunction occurred in the minutes after Rick's injection, when he entered a rage and unlocked the door using Mask's Key. Rick proceeded to attack the vampire on guard outside, causing a scuffle which resulted in the pair consuming each others' blood. According to Illitha Lifeblood, the malfunction was likely rooted by this event, as such a blood transfer would initiate Rick as a vampire, a usually lethal fate for a werewolf. The surger toxin likely worsened the result of this, as Rickemash was driven mad by his nightmares come alive through hallucination. Illitha stands by her assurance that the moon chamber should be entirely safe, barring this strange incident.  


Moon chambers are a new technology and are currently only available in a few locations in Baldur's Gate. Within the city, the moon chamber is a generally well-received technology, as it eases the fear of werewolf attacks on the full moon. Some large cities have expressed interest in acquiring the technology, though others fear it may draw more werewolves into population centers.   In a conversation with Yuan-ton during the full moon of the malfunction, Selune expressed her distaste for the technology, claiming that it robbed her children of their deserved rampage.