Lyle Silvershield


Lyle was an aspiring politician in his early life, yearning to lead his home city of Baldur's Gate. He was made into a vampire by his political mentor, Banta Silvershield, who convinced him that an extended life would only assist in his career. As is customary for vampire, Lyle took his maker's family name at this time. Banta was assassinated shortly after, although the assassin was never found.   At 30 years old, Lyle became the sole proprietor of Banta's grand estate and investments. With the wealth and power granted by this exchange, Lyle quickly became a popular candidate for Baldur's Council, the ruling government of Baldur's Gate. He was nominated to replace a deceased member in 806 EW.  

Political Career

Lyle received the honor of becoming the council's first vampire member, and the first 'monster race' to gain significant power within one of the large cities in The Civilized West. However, he was not met without doubt for his intentions and suffered a rocky start to his career as citizens voiced their worries.   Lyle gained the undeniable trust and respect of his constituents six years after he entered office through his involvement with the Union of Churches in 870 EW. At the time, many expected him to oppose the ban of exiled gods given that he is a vampire and therefore may have ties with Selune. However, he was able to successfully come to an agreement with the Union which passed enforcement of the law to major cities independently. This allowed Lyle to build Baldur's Gate as a cultural reserve of sorts, where although worship of exiled gods is technically illegal, punishment for said crime is minimal. This agreement, along with many other stipulations protecting citizen's rights concerning the ban, became a tenet of the Sentient's Rights Council.   The Gate's relaxed laws on exiled worship inevitably drew an influx of new citizens wishing to worship in peace; particularly, the city saw a large growth in its vampire population. Over the proceeding years, support for a council representing the interests of vampires grew enormously, and Lyle encouraged the next available council slot to go to his best friend, a wealthy and influential shipping mogul named Venda Briarwind.   Currently, Lyle is a well-loved politician and is seen as an idol of freedom to his people. He is known for hosting the Solstice Ball in celebration of the summer solstice in Baldur's Gate, and often spends his own personal wealth on community outreach projects and celebrations.  

Family and Relationships

Lyle's vampire family is unusually small for his age, consisting only of himself and his wife, Tabitha Silvershield. Tabitha was Lyle's lover well before his transformation into a vampire and, when she nearly died in a bandit attack two years after his change, Lyle made her a vampire in order to save her life.   In 124 PU, Lyle witnessed a street performance of a storyteller named Seg while walking Baldur's Gate. Impressed by the young performer, Lyle followed Seg after the performance in attempt to praise to him, but accidentally caught the man shifting skins. Seg was terrified of the repercussions, considering the way the world sees changelings, but Lyle only offered comfort and a home to hide out in. Over time, Lyle became a mentor of sorts to the young performer and assisted Seg in becoming a world-renowned storyteller by encouraging him to come out with the support of the Silvershield family. Currently, Lyle and Tabitha are in a shared relationship with Seg.  


  • Like most vampires, Lyle worships Selune, the Goddess of Change. Although he is careful to never admit this in public settings, his affiliation is hardly a secret to most people of power within the city. Outwardly, he praises Bahamut as many leaders do.
  • Lyle believes that even 'monster races' deserve protection and was instrumental in the development of the Sentient's Rights Council, which offers legal protection to all sentients in the Civilized West.
Current Location
Dark brown
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation