
Polyball is a team sport developed at Eltrochul Academy. The game requires two teams of three, four, or five which compete to land the polyball on the opposing team's court by use of fast-paced magic. The polyball is polymorphed on every passage over the court's barrier, making the game one of quick reactions and creative thinking.  


The court is set up in a rectangle layout with two teams of 3-5 on each side of a dividing line. The border is a magic field that instantly restores spell slots, but spells cannot leave the borders. The dividing line is made of shimmering, translucent magic and reaches 15 ft high. Players wear special magic dampening gear that negates damage, which only work within the borders. However, spell effects still work and impact still hurts. Use of weapons is not allowed.   The game begins when the polyball is conjures above the dividing line by the referee. The first receiving team is randomly decided, but alternates in each round thereafter. Each round begins when the polyball is conjured and ends when it lands on the ground, and the polyball morphs (see below) each time it passes through the dividing barrier. A team scores points by landing the polyball in the apposing team's court, and wins by reaching 10 points.   Each player is allowed freedom of movement, unless effected by a spell which restricts movement. When the polyball is in a team's court, each player may take one of the following actions:
  1. Volley: Using a spell, return the polyball to the other side. The polyball cannot touch the ground, but it must pass through the dividing line.
  2. Offense: Cast an offensive spell on the apposing team's court. Although players cannot be damaged due to magical protection, they can be incapacitated, knocked back, or affected by charms, poisons, etc.
  3. Defense: Cast a spell on the friendly court. This may include buffing or protecting team members.
  4. Assist: Using a spell or an action, assist a teammate who is attempting to to volley, offend, or defend.

Example Polyball Morphs

  1. Tiny glass gryphon sculpture
  2. Raccoon
  3. Keg of ale
  4. Butterfly
  5. Boot
  6. 10lb boulder
  7. Rose
  8. Sack of coins
  9. Chicken egg
  10. Chicken
  11. Human anatomy model
  12. Wagon wheel
  13. Butcher knife
  14. Bucket of water
  15. Violin
  16. Potion of healing
  17. Coil of rope
  18. Spellbook
  19. Sunflower seed
  20. Velociraptor


  • Eltrochul Academy hosts annual polyball tournaments in the spring. Caspian Ventura captained the school's 5-player champion team from 126-130 PU.
  • After being hired as an on-call mage by the party, Ventura began construction of a polyball court under Caer Castellin. This was the first regulation court built outside of the Academy.