Eltrochul Academy

Eltrochul Academy is the primary school of magic in The Civilized West and is located in near The Black Citadel in Waterdeep. Those who have the will, and funds, to pursue a magic education attend the academy, often coming even from the far reaches of the West. Students are required to live on campus. Typically, students study general magic for their first year, and then must specialize in one of the magic schools. Students generally have freedom to select their specialization, but must be sponsored by a professor who commends the student's talent in the chosen school before they are allowed to further their training.   Each school is associated with a color. Student and professor robes, as well as buildings associated with that school, are denoted by these colors. Many students proudly represent the color of their school.   Evocation (red)   Conjuration (orange)   Illusion (yellow)   Abjuration (green)   Enchantment (blue)   Transmutation (indigo)   Divination (violet)   Grey (undeclared/first year)    


  • Eltrochul Academy is well-known for inventing the sport of Polyball and hosts matches on weekends.
  • Professor Tandy Jenwell used to teach illusion classes at the academy before his disappearance. Professor Adam Ricks was hired in his place, though he has since been murdered.
  • Eltrochul houses a long-distance intraplanar portal connected to the city of Marsember. This portal has been used in the past as a smuggling system for the drug Clever by the Silver Sickle. The evocation student Tellurin served as a primary distributor during this time.
University / Educational complex
Parent Location