BREGAN D'AERTHE Organization in FAERUN | World Anvil
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Bregan D'aerthe is a company of mercenaries; all members of this faction are drow, most are male - female drow generally refuse to break from the matriarchal hierarchy of drow society and would not take orders from a male. The few females who do choose to join this faction must vow to break tradition and prove that they have something to offer. Their leader JARLAXLE is, however, always on the lookout for new members and loyalty is his most valued trait.    Whilst all members are drow, Jarlaxle does employ other operatives if it suits his needs - these are merely employees though, and not actual members of Bregan D'aerthe.    Jarlaxle has numerous legitimate businesses that act as a front for their more clandestine activities. One such enterprise is THE SEA MAIDENS FAIRE, a trio of carnival ships which are currently moored in WATERDEEP. In the magical guise of the flamboyant Illuskan carnival captain, Zardoz Zord, Jarlaxle is furthering his interests in the city of Waterdeep. One of the THE XANATHAR GUILD advisers, NAR'L XIBRINDAS is in fact a spy for Jarlaxle. Such is the way of Bregan D'aerthe; infiltration of other organisations.    HISTORY:   The company was created by dishonourable castaways from destroyed drow houses.   CONTACTS:   SOLOMIL SILVERFINGER is a known (but discreet) contact for those wishing to gain access to Bregan D'Aerthe or its leader JARLAXLE. He can be found drinking and gambling in one of the many taverns in the southern half of WATERDEEP, especially the Dock Ward.


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