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"A noble family is only as strong as the numerous deadly beasts they have trained." Urtos Phylund III
    House Phylund is the leading family for acquiring, taming, training, and selling beasts in WATERDEEP and the surrounding areas. The unique nature of their business has made them both very wealthy and powerful.   PHYLUND MONSTROSITIES INC.   If you can think of a beast, it is the House Phylund guarantee that it has passed through their compound to be successfully tamed . Notable examples include: owlbears, blink dogs, griffons, and most notably watchspiders . These giant spiders are the highly desired, monstrous equivalent of guard dogs, bred for their ability to slow, stop, and sometimes even eat intruders. Monsters that can't be trained as pets or guard beasts are sold to arenas or harvested for their meat, bones and skins.   By joining House Phylund adventuring groups assist in the business pipeline by collecting, training, or even selling beasts of all shapes and sizes, responding to the many requests of one of the most influential Waterdhavian families while getting to enjoy the occasional benefits that partnership brings .   PROPERTIES   The heart of House Phylund is their family estate on Copper Street within the North Ward, which is a compound of multiple buildings split across the members, guests, and housing for the numerous beasts.   They also own a hunting lodge, located deep in the western fringes of ARDEEP FOREST (which lies two days' ride to the southeast of Waterdeep). The lodge is used as a base from which hunts can be launched for fantastical beasts, as the family welcomes other wealthy and influential Waterdhavians. Normally, such monstrous animals are released several hours prior to the hunt and the Phylunds hope that the exhilarating chase will help further impress business partners and rivals alike.   THE FAMILY   The current heads of the family are URTOS PHYLUND III and his daughter EMILE PHYLUND, who admittedly have competing aspirations for the family, but happily put any differences aside for their common good.   ALLIES   The Phylunds are far from isolationist and (despite the infamous history of lycanthropy that has plagued the family) do their best to remain at the centre of all things Waterdeep. Their dubious past may have other nobles suspicious but House Phylund has enough money and power to stave off any real threats.    Their most notable allies are:    
  • HOUSE BROKENGULF: The ongoing allyship with the Brokengulf family is a classic tale of bitter rivals to friends. Once competitors in capturing wild beasts, a friendship began to blossom between family members that eventually wove the family closer through marriage . While still operating in a competing business, the two families share holidays or regulate prices to protect the bond they now share.
  • GUILDS OF WATERDEEP: The many exports of the Phylund have naturally formed numerous mutually beneficial business relationships . The Fellowship of Bowyers and Fletchers purchase feathers in bulk while offering a discount price on all arrows used in hunting. In addition, where else can the League of Skinners & Tanners get a hold of exotic hides if not through the Phylund family? These close-knit relationships with Waterdeep’s Guilds have helped ensure the financial prosperity of House Phylund.
ENEMIES   As a family who made their fortune in dealing with the most dangerous beasts Faerun has to offer, it is only natural that those who compete financially or abhor the mistreatment of animals take issue with the Phylund family.   Some of their most notable enemies include:  
  • THE EMERALD ENCLAVE: An order dedicated to preserving the natural order of the world is unquestionably going to take issue with a family capturing beasts and training them against their will. Despite the Phylund family doing their best to ensure the wellbeing of each beast, the Emerald Enclave closely monitors nearly everything the family does, occasionally sending agents to thwart their hunting efforts.
  • THE NOBLE HOUSES OF WATERDEEP: Being one of the more successful nobles families (plus their rumoured history of lycanthropy) means that the Phylunds are often targets of those who may wish to see their downfall. In particular, HOUSE ILVASTARR are highly jealous of the Phylunds' greater success in establishing a hunting business to rival their own, and HOUSE GUNDWYND, who breed solely hippogriffs, often use their connections to the Black Board gang to harass the Phylund family.


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