JERYTH PHAULKON Character in FAERUN | World Anvil
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Jeryth is a human noblewoman, also known as the Divine Champion & Chosen of Mielikki. With green eyes and long blond hair (which she had a habit of twisting) she was famed in WATERDEEP for her beauty in her younger days, where she was seen as a rather typical woman of noble descent - arrogant and frivolous.   However, she disappeared over a century ago - believed to have been killed in a raid on her caravan in Luskan. The truth was that she became a ranger in the High Forest, travelling to defend its beauty, helping to maintain the balance of nature and becoming a defender of Mielikki. As Jeryth's power changed and grew, so too did her personality - she became more carefree and less focused on the material things that civilization could offer.   She has now ascended to demigod status as the Chosen of Mielikki and her spirit body dwells in the gardens of PHAULKONMERE VILLA in the city of WATERDEEP.   She offers guidance and magical aid to members of THE EMERALD ENCLAVE and oversees MELANNOR FELLBRANCH, a half-elf groundskeeper who looks after the estate.


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