THE YAWNING PORTAL Building / Landmark in FAERUN | World Anvil
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An inn famous across the Sword Coast and, indeed, all of Faerun, The Yawning Portal can be found in the Castle District of WATERDEEP and is filled each night with adventurers and other interesting characters from across the continent, all engaged in drinking, singing and other forms of merriment in a rowdy cacophony.   A large but otherwise unremarkable building made from stone and slate, from the outside it looks much the same as other buildings in the district. However, upon entering the ground floor common area, any new visitor to the inn will be surprised to see the 40-foot wide open well that drops deep underground, plummeting 140 feet. A pulley system is rigged to hoist adventurers to and from the first layer of UNDERMOUNTAIN, a sprawling subterranean dungeon network.   The upper floors of the tavern contain comfortable but affordable lodgings for travellers and adventurers alike. Food and drink is provided by DURNAN , the quiet but steely human proprietor of the Yawning Portal.
Adventurers descend to Undermountain to the delight of patrons in the Yawning Portal


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