Conrad Bristlebark Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Conrad Bristlebark

Lore Keeper Conrad Bristlebark

A cleric of knowledge, Conrad maintains the living library and does his best to preserve the stories of the people he meets.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wirey and tall, Conrad isn't strong by any mertric but he has a durability that is shocking to most.

Body Features

Conrad is tall and thin, he's covered in blue green needles that run along his back and arms leaving his torso exposed. This creates a rustling noise like a tree in a storm as he moves around.

Facial Features

He has soft features, with the face being located about 1 ft below the top of his tree form. He has sharp eyes and thin lips and always looks like you've asked for him in the middle of a task he was doing.   The top of his head is formed by the tip of the tree folding back into his mane of needles, creating a sort of artificial balding, with only bark visible on top and needles visible on the sides.

Identifying Characteristics

He's a fucking walking blue spruce tree.

Special abilities

  • Blessings of Knowledge / Potent Spellcasting / Divine intervention
  • Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts / Knowledge of the Ages
  • False Appearance / Natural Armor / Hasty Movement / Powerful Form / Tree Whisperer / Winterized
  • Keen Mind / Linguist / Healer

Apparel & Accessories

Not much clothes but he rarely leaves the keep.

Specialized Equipment

  • Amulet of the Devout +3
  • Rod of Security
  • Mantle of Spell Resistance
  • The Codicile of White
  • Bag of Holding
  • Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
  • Stone of Controlling earth elementals
  • Alchemy Jug
  • Sending Stones

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Conrad was his entire life a simple pine tree. The archmage melren found himself out, alone, amongst the forest searching for a test subject. When Melren tells the story he says there was an aura radiating from Conrad that drew him to him. In realtiy Melren had been wandering around the forest for an hour, got bored and just picked a tree he thought could fit in his door. And so Conrad was born. Melren ended up bringing him back and using him as an element his experiments. He helped melren establish and care for the living library and this would be his primary job at the peak for most of his years. As he learned and helped various scholars, druids and magi contribute knowledge to the trees, the sheer mass of their collected knowled drew the attention of Oghma, goddess of knowledge and bestowed him with the power befitting him. Years went by as he learned from these great minds and his powers grew.   Eventually the worst came to pass. Melren crossed a line with the community and they launched an attack on the peak. Conrad and the rest of the servants attempted to fight back but were overwhelmed. Many of those attacking knew the servants so they were spared and left the peak as their own, but Melren was utterly destroyed. So it was just him, and his siblings with nobody to guide or direct them. It wasn't easy by any metric but conrad probably had the least trouble adapting. After all maintaining the library didn't require outside direction or input. As long as he slept each night he had everything he needed sustain it. But like his siblings after a while he began to ask himself 'why keep maintaining this if no one will ever have access to the knowledge but us?'.   And then seeker brought the windblown home. At first he and the mercenaries didn't quite see eye to eye but after a few weeks he brought up his concerns to Aay, Seteth and Navia and eventually he got his answer. They thought they might be able to expand the library to new locations by magically connecting trees to the network. So now he works, collecting the stories and expertise from the various windblown members and entering it into the library and begining the slow slow work of growing a new node, named Nora in the town of Bell-mere to try to share his efforts with the world.


Biromantic Asexual


Educated by as many of melren's peers as he could manage, as well as himself.


Steady employment as a record keeper with the windblown

Mental Trauma

Conrad has trouble doing anything outside the task he was created for. Melren set him specifially to tending to the living library and he longs for a life outside the mountain but fears what would happen if he left.

Intellectual Characteristics

He's a master librarian. He's a linguist, an arcanist, a scholar of the highest calibur. If he were a human he would wear tweed sweaters and teach history, math or ethics at a university somewhere. He delights in discovery, learning, teaching and professional behavior around all of those things. He is not a fan of high chaos.

Personality Characteristics


Conrad wants to expand the living library with the help of the windblown. They want to use it for their members but he sees no reason that it couldn't be, over time, spread out to major cities and small towns. He could give everyone a world class education, teach them about new languages and histories all for free. So his main goal right now is ensuring that the Nora test in Bell-Mere works out.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +15
  • History +15
  • Insight +10
  • Medicine +10
  • Nature +10
  • Ineptitudes +0
  • Athletics
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Experiencing new cultures
  • Languages
  • ~Art~
  • Dislikes
  • Crass Behavior
  • Laziness
  • Boisterousness

Virtues & Personality perks

Conrad genuinely loves learning about people. He cares about their stories and make sure to schedule time with each person that wants to contribute to the library. He believes honestly everyone has something unique to contribute, and he remembers (at least generally) what everyone shares. He might be kind of stuck up in certain regards but hes a good guy.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can get uppity when he sees people misbehaving in his spaces, and won't hold a grudge but will give you a hard time about it and bring it up snarkily next time you're in one of those spaces even if you are behaving. He's got big 'Old Man' energy.
Current Location
Date of Birth
29 Tarsahk, 1369 DR
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak Library
Arcane Blue
Blue Green Needles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown and Green Bark
220 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Sylvan
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