Servants of Melren Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Servants of Melren


the peak


Everyone in this organization was either recruited or created by the powerful Conjuration Archmage Melren. While prodigious in his use and progression of the arcane, in his efforts to push the boundaries of the possible he would often act hastily and with little regard for the impact or lives of others. His curiosity lead directly to the creation or awakening of Hala, Seeker, June, and Conrad. Though it was only the last 3 that he gave any consideration to after they were born, and all of them are sentient but were created expressly to serve a verious purpose.   After a particularly grevious offense to a council of mages and powerful individuals had decided melren needed to be taken care of and sent a group of constructs, escorted by a few of the mages and though the servants fought hard they were defeated. June was thrown from a window of the peak and landed on an outcrop of the mountain side. Gimblekanks was knocked unconvcious in the hallway fighting. Conrad, magic depleted in combat was restrained in the library. When Seeker returned from her latest assassination mission she found the servants in their states and melren, dead.   The peak became a cold and quiet place after that. Seeker continued to explore and collect until on one excursion she found herself helping Xior and Seteth break into a smugglers mansion to access some records. The pair had planned to fight their way in but with Seekers help they just walked in the front door and took what they needed. After, they attempted to recruit her and she asked if they had a place to stay. They said no and offered to let them rest with her at the Peak. 'Its not much, but its home' she said, as she teleported them to the mystical mountain base making its own waterfalls high over the virgin forest.   Talks ensued and the the 8 current members of The Windblown moved in on a trial bases. Servents of Melren collectively enjoyed having company again, it brought life back to the peak and purpose back to their own lives. The servents are now assimilated into The Windblown, though most of them act in purely support roles, not taking on missions and maintaining the keep with the exception of Seeker. They are full members and play a key role in keeping the keep fully functional.
Founding Date
1400 DR
Successor Organization
Parent Organization


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