Hormor Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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A monk from an ancient order of dwarven knights trained in a very specific style of close quarters fighting.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical condition. Years of fighting has him in the best shape of his life.

Identifying Characteristics

Hair pulled back and eyebrow piercings indicating his positon as a tunnel fighter

Special abilities

  • Ki Points / Stunning Strike / Unarmed Strike / Flurry of Blows
  • Patient Defense / Step of the Wind / Defelect Missiles / Slow Fall
  • Focused Aim / Multi Attack / Quickened Healing / Agile Parry
  • Poison Resistance / Darkvision / Tough

Apparel & Accessories

Simple Robes and the signuature hooked cleaver of the tunnel fighters.

Specialized Equipment

A large square machete style two handed weapon with a hook on the back that can be used for climbing and manuvering.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the last 100 years the dwarves of the Fairheight range in Alaron have been underseige by fey that see the Moonshaes as easy new territory. Hormor is 40, still fairly young for a dwarf and has been defending his home for his entire life. This long lasting conflict gave rise to a need for warriors and Hormor rose magnificantly to the occassion. He had always wanted to see the world and travel, but guilt, worr yand a sense of duty stopped him from pursuing thsoe dreams. 3 years ago a combination of shifting populations, new technologies and (though they wouldn't know it) the claim Goethe put on the isles resulted in a stabilization of the tunnel borders. 1 year ago, for the first time in 40 years Hormor had breathing room He was encouraged by his superiors to take a break, and head to Caer Callidyr to make some interesting stories. So he left the Fairheights, with some hesitancy, and set out for the coastal capital in search for adventure, but in the city all he found was some half hearted attempts at robbery, the smell of fish, and just a lot of regular people living their lives. This became boring very quickly. He began to look for a little more dangerous work to fill the void and ended up competing for a bounty with the Sapphire Army. After a pretty dirty chase from both sides they were both lead to an ambush and had to work together to secure the bounty. Having just had the most fun he had had in almost a year, he asked if they could use an extra blade and was almost instantly accepted and has been with the Sapphire Army ever since.




Mostly combat and the local politics of the isles and the dwarfholds.


Steady employment with the Sapphire Army and the Windblown.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hormor can think on his feet but he really shines with his huge heart. He loves easily and is always considering the needs of others.

Personality Characteristics


Hormor has a big heart. His people needed help and he answered. He tries to do what is right and struggles to take time for himself. Now his people are under attack again it is important to him that he takes up arms to defend them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies Ineptitudes
  • Stealth +8
  • Perception +6
  • Athletics +5
  • Intimidation +3
  • Charisma +0

Likes & Dislikes

  • Fey Lore
  • Good Craftsmanship
  • Danger and Dynamic environments
  • Mornings
  • Competitive Challenges
Current Location
Date of Birth
20 Nightal, 1455 DR
He / Him
Dark, shaved on the sides and pulled back with a long beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 2"
220 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish
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