Merchant Princes of Port Nyanzaru Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Merchant Princes of Port Nyanzaru

Seven merchant princes rule Port Nyanzaru, each one with an equal vote in matters of state. All are Chultan. Their single qualification is that they’re the seven richest people in the city. Their seat of governance is Goldenthrone, an old, regal Amnian palace overlooking the bay. A merchant prince who retires can yield his or her position to a family member or someone else of immense wealth agreed on by the majority.   The merchant princes surround themselves with loyal family and underlings, but they also employ foreign mercenaries both as city guards and as personal guards. Most of these mercenaries are Zhents, and where one finds the Zhentarim, one can also find Harper spies.   The merchant princes have specific monopolies on all merchandise sold in the city. Characters in need of gear or supplies must deal through these individuals directly or their consortiums indirectly. The only alternative is to resort to the black markets in Malar’s Throat or Tiryki Anchorage.
Government, Leadership


The relationship is extremely utilitarian but mutally beneficial


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