Roran Albrecht Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Roran Albrecht

Acting as the carnivals doctor, Roran uses his alchemy to resolve medical issues as well entertain a guests by running the potion tasting stand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Roran Albrecht was born into a family of skilled alchemists in the bustling city of Waterdeep. From a young age, he showed a natural aptitude for the alchemical arts, eventually mastering a wide range of concoctions and elixirs. As Roran grew older, he became fascinated with the medical applications of alchemy and began to study healing techniques under the tutelage of a renowned cleric.   When a rival alchemist poisoned his parents, he fled waterdeep and after years of traveling ended up around the sea of fallen stars, looking for a safe fresh start.   During his travels, Roran continued to experiment with his craft, using it to pay for his travels and stays in various cities. However, with no real home, family or support network, he struggled to find a place where he felt he belonged. One day, Roran stumbled upon the carnival while they were in need of medical assistance. Recognizing his talents Opal offered to let him travel with them.   Roran found solace in the carnival's tight-knit community, who embraced him as one of their own. He quickly became an integral member, managing the Potion Tasting attraction and serving as the resident doctor. The carnival has not only given Roran a renewed sense of purpose but has provided him with the found family he had been searching for since leaving Waterdeep.
Current Location
Date of Birth
12 Uktar 1443 DR
He / Him
Close cropped brown, with patches of gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 1"
160 lb
Aligned Organization


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