Mistfarer Carnival Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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Mistfarer Carnival


The carnival is surrounded by high poles marking its borders. Topped with carved wooden heads of various mythological creatures facing out from the carnival. Enchanted mist pours from their mouths, creating a ring surrounding the carnival grounds.   The mists create an invisible barrier, anyone that walks across the boundary going out or in, finds themselves turned around at the point the poles are planted.


The mistings try to keep the layout the same across locations for simplicity.

Points of interest

  • Archery Tournament: A classic competition where visitors can test their skills with a variety of ranged weapons for a chance to win prizes. Lelaia runs this station, located on a raised platform at the far end of the carnival she can keep a close watch on everything.
  • Fortune Teller's Tent: Sarana runs a smokey tent off the main path, offering to reveal glimpses of the future or provide cryptic advice, depending on how interesting she finds the person asking.
  • Magical Menagerie: A showcase of exotic creatures, its up to the audience to figure out the impresive variety is a result of Elenore's summoning magic. She has a wide range of summonable creatures that she works with to create interesting shows both in the Big Top or in impromptu performances throughtout the carnival. She even has some pets that she trains for sale, if she thinks the visitors will take good care of them.
  • Potion Tasting: An alchemist's stall offers small samples of various potions with harmless, temporary effects, such as changing hair color, levitating a few inches off the ground, or emitting harmless sparks. Roran makes the potions but rarely attends the stall in person.
  • Enchanted Maze: A magical labyrinth where the goal is to reach the center and claim a small treasure. Dini keeps things intersting by using terraformer magic to shift the walls, create illusions and generally toy with the guests before leading them to the end.
  • Strength Test: Normally run by various assistants, occasionally Ragmek will make an appearance in his off hours. Participants must hit a lever with enough force to ring the bell. The hammer given to the visitors is enchanted to be made lighter or heavier depending on a glyph controlled by the assistant, letting them fuck with overly confident guests.
  • High Top
    • Storytime - Vaelin & Naelia Silverwind run performances of folk tales and other stories accompanied with illusions a few times a day
    • Staged Fights - To keep things exciting Opal will occasionally have another crew memeber start a fight with her as she is making announcements during other routines, allowing her to show off dazzling sword skills in a rehearsed battle.
    • Acrobat Routine - With his monk's acrobatic training and extra reach as a bugbear, Arkas likes to put on a show performing tricks over distanes no normal person would be able to clear.
Founding Date
1485 DR
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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