Opal Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Ringleader Opal Thersys (a.k.a. Boss Man)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Opal keeps in fighting shape. She's not the strongest but her dexterity and constitution are both solid.

Facial Features

Opal has full lips, a broad nose, pointed ears and sharp eyes. Her eyes and lips are a deep sapphire blue from her stone genasi heritage.

Identifying Characteristics

Charcoal colored skin covered in scars below the collar.

Physical quirks

Tends to take in the entire room with a light dance like spin whenever she enters a new space

Special abilities

  • Bardic Inspiration
  • Countercharm
  • Flourishes
  • Song of Rest
  • Multi Attack
  • Defensive Duelist

Apparel & Accessories

Off work opal desses down in a simple shirt and trousers with work boots. During the carnival hours she is dressed to the nines in a black pants, a clean white shirt, and a large black coat / top hat with gold trim and several vaguely magical ring.

Specialized Equipment

  • Moontouched Rapiers x2
  • Ring of Mind Shielding
  • Periapt of Wound Closure

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Opal was one of the three sidekicks to The Silver Knight and by far the most charismatic of the group. The team worked well together for years, with opal operating as the face. While she enjoyed the company of her teammates, her loyalty was to the silver knight. So when he passed away she decided to set off on her own. All too quickly she found out nobody really cares about the sidekicks.   Her association to The Silver Knight got her nothing more than thanks. However the skills she had refined training under him allowed her to carve out a life for herself. She got by grifting, fighting and performing but a particularly bad con left her with almost nothing and an urgent need toget out of town fast. She was able to slip away with some kindness from a local carnival, some solid deception checks and her trusty fake mustache.   She traveled with the company out of waterdeep, learning the skills she would need to manage one and found herself (to everyone's surprise but her own) adept at all of them. The accounts, deal making and management came easily enough, while the persuading, barganing and occasional brawl were second nature. So when the troom hit Iriaebor, near the Elturgard border and it was time to turn back for the season Opal decided to head out across the grasslands towards Suzail and across the Sea of fallen stars to The Vast.   To her suprise a few of the other carnies jumped ship with her, specifically Ragmek, Sarana, and Arkas. Some of the older hats from the other troupe were impressed with her charisma and drive to explore new lands and decided to follow her as well. It took a while but the group was able to make a good deal of money as traveling performers instead of a full carnival and by the time they got to Ravens Bluff they had picked up enough people to call themselves a carnival again. They bought supplies and after getting a permit to work they setup just outside the city.   During an incident with a griffin the carnival saved several lives and recieved a reward from The Windblown who were collecing on its bounty. This began a long and happy relationship with Zacharius, the Ravens Bluff Keeper, with the carnival taking missions around the kingdom and acting as his eyes and ears in the more dangerous parts of the country.




Opal is extremely well educated in almost every subject. Combat, politics, history, finance and espionage are all long mastered skills.


She's doing pretty well for herself between managing the contracts of the windblown contracts and carnival performances.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The list is literally too long.
  • Years apprenticing under one of the most prominant heroes on the sword coast
  • Countless of successfull adventures operating as a team
  • Hitherto unseen seductive prowess
  • Being well known (sometimes wanted even) across most cities on the sword coast
  • Nonstop success with various entrepenurial ventures (and nobody better be saying otherwise)
  • Running the carnival to a gross profit without exploiting her workers
  • Being an all around kick ass boss ass bitch

Failures & Embarrassments

Ok so maybe all of the achievements don't always go so smoothly but you didn't hear that from me.

Mental Trauma

Years of dangerous fighting and adventuring have left her hardened to the loss of friends and loved ones, but nothing stung quite so badly as setting out on her own after the death of the silver knight and realizing that nobody cared who she was without him. She was totally broken down and had to work to redefine herself independant of her mentor.

Intellectual Characteristics

So sharp she'll cut herself. She knows exactly how competent she is and sometimes she rides that a little too far. This was more of a problem in her youth when she didn't have anyone else she was responsible for. Her sense of responsiblity to her troupe tends to reign in her ego now but it still occasionally pushes everyone into trouble.

Morality & Philosophy

She is beauty, she is grace, she gon kick you in your god damn face.


Not making an effort to better yourself when your down. Resigning yourself to the hand you've been dealt

Personality Characteristics


Opal has now made a name for herself and found a new family. Her first priority now is working hard to ensure they are taken care of. Everything she does is in service to that.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics
  • Deception
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Persuasion
  Ineptitudes (+5)
  • Nature
  • Religion
  • Medicine

Likes & Dislikes

  • Playing to the crowd
  • Setting up an operation in a new place
  • Raking in profits
  • Having her ideas blow up in her face
  • Prudes
  • Being recognized in relation to the silver knight

Virtues & Personality perks

Opal genuinely cares for the carnival family she's collected and is always there to defend them no matter how badly they fucked up. She is never out of her depth and is always prepared for whatever trouble might come.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her ego is pretty terrible to behold. Its less of an issue now that she's not associated with more famous people but she can still hold a grudge and be cruel when she wants to be.
Current Location
Date of Birth
11 Uktar, 1453 DR
Bright Blue
Dark brown, braided and pulled back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep brown
150 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Orc, Primordial
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations
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