Vaelin Silverwind Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Vaelin Silverwind

Alone with her twin sister Naelia she creates and adapts illusions to accompany with her sisters stories. She also helps with the defense of the carnival when the need arrises.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vaelin and Naelia Silverwind were born to an elven father and a human mother in a small village the edge of Cormanthyr. Their parents were both skilled performers in their own right; their father, a renowned bard, and their mother, a talented dancer. The twins grew up surrounded by music, stories, and magic, with a natural talent for the arcane arts.   As they reached adulthood, the Silverwind twins decided to combine their skills and create a unique performance that would captivate audiences across Faerûn. Vaelin, with her gift for storytelling and musical prowess, while Naelia excelled in the art of illusion magic. Together, they crafted spellbinding tales that seamlessly blended narrative, music, and enchanting visuals.   Their performances quickly gained Opal's attention while the carnival was passing through their town. She who recognized the potential in their act and offered the twins a place, promising them fame, fortune and adventure in return for their unique talents. Seeing an opportunity to share their art with a wider audience and achieve the recognition they craved, Vaelin and Naelia gladly accepted the offer. They have since become a beloved attraction at the carnival, enchanting audiences with their incredible blend of storytelling and illusion magic.
Current Location
Date of Birth
9 Leaffall 1463 DR
Silver White cut to shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5' 10"
Aligned Organization


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