Alaric Stonebinder Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Alaric Stonebinder

Archivist Alaric Stonebinder is the esteemed historian of Esmeltaran, dedicated to preserving the rich history and culture of the city. Born into a family of scholars and historians, Alaric developed a deep passion for the past and a keen interest in unraveling the mysteries of bygone eras. He has dedicated his life to researching, documenting, and archiving the fascinating history of Esmeltaran and its surrounding regions.   Alaric is a middle-aged halfling with a slightly portly figure, standing at a modest height of 3 feet. He has a balding head with a fringe of unruly gray hair and a neatly trimmed beard that frames his amiable face. His round spectacles rest on the bridge of his nose, assisting him in scrutinizing ancient texts and documents. Thaddeus is often seen wearing comfortable, scholarly robes adorned with various insignias symbolizing his expertise in history and preservation.
Amnian Social Ranks: Gold
Current Location


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