Hobbington Bramblebuck Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Hobbington Bramblebuck


Mayor Hobbington Bramblebuck is a charismatic and astute halfling leader, known for his keen wit, dedication to his community, and exceptional diplomatic skills. Born and raised in the bustling city of Esmeltaran, he quickly rose through the ranks of local governance, eventually securing the position of mayor. Hobbington's leadership style emphasizes cooperation, inclusivity, and fairness for all residents of Esmeltaran.   Hobbington stands at a modest 3 feet in height, with a sturdy build and a warm, friendly countenance. He has curly, chestnut hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and hazel eyes that sparkle with intelligence and kindness. Always impeccably dressed, Mayor Bramblebuck is often seen in fine clothing adorned with intricate embroidery, showcasing his pride in his role as mayor.
Amnian Social Ranks: Platinum
Current Location


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