Willow Greenleaf Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Willow Greenleaf


Sergeant Willow Greenleaf is a dedicated and diligent halfling guard who serves in the city of Esmeltaran. Born and raised in the heart of the city, she grew up with a deep sense of duty and a desire to protect her community. Willow rose through the ranks of the city guard due to her exceptional skills, unwavering dedication, and the respect she commands from her fellow guards and the citizens she protects.   Willow stands at a diminutive 3 feet in height, possessing a strong and athletic build for her size. She has wavy, auburn hair that she keeps neatly tied back in a bun to maintain a professional appearance while on duty. Her hazel eyes are sharp and observant, constantly scanning her surroundings for potential threats. She bears a few light freckles on her cheeks, adding to her friendly and approachable demeanor.
Amnian Social Ranks: Silver
Current Location


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