A15 - Out of The Frying Pan

General Summary

A15 - Out of the Frying Pan

1496.SU.57   Climbing on board the ice flow the group have a brief chance to take stock of their belongings, the realisation that some items and all their gold are missing. However with their lives in tack they couldn’t complain. With the adventurers resting on the deck, the ice flow begins its journey back to Leilon by the most direct route. After a couple of hours the crows nest reports a large ship following the ice flow. Looking back they see a huge skeletal and ivory ship bearing down upon them. Although at a distance it does appear to be catching quickly. Many of the crew begin to panic as they see the menacing visage. Kristoffen calls for any essential items to be thrown overboard in a hope to increase the speed. As the crew frantically disappear down into the hold and remerge carry crates and furniture. The large chasing vessel begins to fire its cannons. Chaos breaks out as the crew are scattered by shots splinters blow across the deck.   Even with throwing items overboard the huge ship now clearly in sight catches the iceflow. The undead ship chasing them down is constructed of hard iron and a gigantic rib cage. On the front of the ship a giant skeleton swings a glaive as it comes into range of the iceflow. With the crew all hands to deck, firing of bows and small powder weapons the dreadnaught pulls alongside but no pirates disembark. Jack then cries out the ship is trying to run them aground. Ahead of them the cliffs and craggy rocks draw closer. The huge weight of the dreadnaught pushes the smaller iceflow closer and closer to the cliffs until a shuddering crash and crunch is heard. Instantly the iceflow begins to list to one side and wate rapidly begins to rise. Many of the surviving crew dive into the waters only to hear screams and whales as sharks begin to pick them off one by one.   With a brief opportunity the adventurers climb the rib cage of the dreadnaught and head for the deck, instead of chancing the waters. As they near the top they can hear a gruff voice shouting, “get the loot and we’ll head back to the cave, i’m going to my quarters don’t disturb me”. Peering over Raziel sees a muscular Half Orc disappear down a ladder into the hull followed by half a dozen anchorites. Upon the deck another half a dozen cultist begin getting rowing boats ready. Quickly slipping onto the deck without them noticing the party springs a trap firing off the giant ballista, skewering a number of cultist in one shot. Quickly getting the upper hand of the cultist they are free to search the deck and sneak down into the hull.   Inside signs of a previous struggle of undead against orcs can be seen with a dead bodies left in their death throws. Searching the floor and hearing the sound of music and singing coming from the below deck the group heads down to investigate. Inside a room at the font of the ship the group find a skeletal body fused and grown into the ship, in the corner Tarbin Tul the bard from the Wayside Inn sings to the skeletal remains. Tarbin pauses to explain he was capture by Fheralia and she is using him to sooth the spirit of the dreadnaught, by singing tales and songs of Chult. As he has paused singing and talks to the party the skeletal remains begin to move, creek and crack. Raziel speaking to the dead knight realises that is longs to return to its home land of Chult, but Fheralia had captured the ship from his master Uluran Mortis. Bargaining that the party and Tarbin are free to leave the ship the dreadnaught will return home. Making their way to the deck unmolested, the party find Fheralia and the remaining of her crew on the deck waiting for the party.   The pregnant Half Orc screams orders at her followers as she charges head long into Captain Albert Boatman. The two clash blow for blow, parrying and feinting. Meanwhile the remaining crew set upon the party, trying to cut them down. Mordai running low on magic blasts his cultist and aids Raziel. Both Fheralia and Albert are bloodied and their strength waning. Fheralia getting a luck strike knocks Albert from his feet. With her great axe above her head she prepares to swing an almighty blow to kill Albert. Maple who had struggled with her cultist now firing a shot hits Fheralia in the belly before she can strike. The blood curdling cry as she slumps to the deck holding her pregnant belly. Suddenly from the undead giant skeleton on the front of the ship a boom voice shouts, “Get off my ship!” Not needing anymore convincing the party jump to the cliff face opposite as the ship begins to free its self the from the rocks. As the party struggle to climb the cliff face, they see as the ship begin to sail away, undead bodies emerge from hatches, door and seeming the floor itself. They converge around Fheralia, and her screams become lost upon the wind of the cliffs.
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
23 Aug 2023
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