Wayside Inn

The Wayside Inn is a hostel for travelers in the Triboar Trail region south of Neverwinter. The Inn is located at the western end of the Triboar Trail where the trail meets the High Road.   The Wayside Inn is owned by Martisha Vinetalker. She runs the Inn with her friend Cooragh Stuckt a friendly half Orc cook. There is a small smithy in the court yard but it is unused after the previous owner tried to attack and kill Martisha as part of a ritual.

Purpose / Function

Food and lodging can be found inside and stables to the rear care for mounts. The local farmers often visit to sell their produce and sample the ales.


Many enterprising innkeepers attempted to run an inn at the intersection of the Triboar Trail and the High Road. Some of them were successful for many years before succumbing to monsters or bandits. Others gave up soon once the dangers became obvious.   Circa 1496 DR, the Wayside Inn was attacked by undead that were created by the cult of Myrkul led by Ularan Mortis. A group of adventurers was able to defend the inn against the undead attack.   Later, the cult of Talos led by Fheralai Stormsworn occupied the inn. Unknown to the owner Martisha Vinetalker, most of her employees were members of the cult. They impaled the guests as sacrifices to the Stormbringer and tried to turn the Wayside Inn into a temple of Talos. In the process, the cultists summoned a violent thunderstorm around the inn. Ultimately, the same group of adventurers was able to stop the ritual in time.
Parent Location
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Articles under Wayside Inn