A16 - Light at the end

General Summary

A16 - Light at the end

1496.SU.57   Stranded upon the rocks of the cliff face the party has the choice of swimming out to sea in shark infested waters or climbing the cliff face. With no real choice the party slowly begin up the cliff face. Albert being the strong more capable climber lead the group with Maple and Raziel close behind. Tarbin Tul who had been rescued from the Dreadnaught followed at a distance behind. Mordai however not a confident climber stay at the bottom and waited for the group to complete their ascent. He then tidied himself to the rope and the party pulled him up the cliff. Now looking around the top of the cliff they could see they had crashed near one of the many lighthouses on the coast. The windswept area appeared desolate and the lighthouse looked boarded up. Moving closer hoping to rest after their ordeal a number of nest Harpes descend upon the party, quickly fending them off they make their way into the lighthouse.   Inside the group find the group a small shrine which has been erected to the God Talos, looking around the room the party feel that the lighthouse looks messy with rubbish and rotting food lying about the floors. Tarbin Tul having seen his fair share of Talos cultists over the last few weeks, stays in the shrine, awaiting the all clear. Wanting to investigate further the group find a room with a couple of Talos Anchorites and a dark armoured knight. In the tight confines of the small lighthouse rooms they are able to funnel the cultists through the door and pick them off. However, when the heavily armour knight burst through the door he was able to withstand their attacks and brutally responded in kind. Forcing the adventurers around the room some begin to retreat up the staircase as they fire their bows and slinging spells. With the added advantage of height they are able to find weak points in the armour and as a combined effort manage to take down the dark knight. In the room behind the fallen knight a human with his head slump is tied to a chair. A large hole in his chest reveals that his heart has been removed. The group guess that the human is the lighthouse keeper. Moving up the stairs of the lighthouse the party found a small bedroom with a double bed. A ladies clothes strewn across the floor made them wonder where a potential wife could be. With the room already bursting at the seems with the party looking for clues, Mordai ventured up the stair to the final floor, the light.   When lifting the hatch to the room a sickly green light met him. Climbing into the room he could see where the light should be in a small chamber of mirrors, it had been replaced with an enlarged pulsing heart, which was emitting the sickly green light. Mordai suddenly possessed lost control of his body as he felt the strong pull towards the light. Briefly gaining his senses he backed away from the pulsing heart but slipped on the railing and tumbled off the side of the lighthouse. Meanwhile the remainder of the party finishing their search, only finding a beautiful conch, which Maple pocketed, catch a brief glimpse of something shooting past the window. Heading up the final flight of stairs to the light, they are confused why they can’t find Mordai.   As Mordia topples over the edge of the railing and plumets away from the lighthouse he quickly mutters a feather fall spell. As his decent is rapidly slowed he safely sets down at the base of the lighthouse. Walking round and re-entering the lighthouse he starts back up the stairs. Captain Albert Boatman is the first through the hatch and is bathed in the sickly green light, however fighting off the urge to drawn to the light he quickly recognises what it is, a lure for passing ships. He draws his flint lock pistol and blast the heart bursting it violently. With the party now free to enter the light chamber they appear over the edge to reveal numerous ship wrecks, including their own at the base of the cliff. This had now explained the disappearance of many of the merchant vessels on route to Neverwinter.   With Mordai arriving and acting as if nothing had happened the group decided to head back to Tresandor Manor for some well earnt rest. On the winding rocky route back towards the main land they came across a small alcove where a female ghost wailing in grief. The party deicide to talk to her and realise she is the wife of the lighthouse keeper. She had been sacrificed in the alcove and wasn’t aware her husband had also bee murdered. As she wept Maple offered her the conch she had found and the ghost stopped, taking the conch she seemed to be relieved and the suddenly from the conch the spirit of her husband appeared. As they embraced the two slowly begun to fade until they were gone. Continuing their journey back to Tresandor Manor after 3 days of staggering, sleeping rough and barely eating they finally make it through the front doors of the mansion where Beric Chamberpot is waiting for them with hot run baths, their rooms ready and food on the table.
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
25 Aug 2023
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