Tresandor Manor (Tres-and-or Manor)

Tresandor Manor is the largest building in Phandalin, set upon a hill over looking the small settlement below. The manor is located at the end of the main eastern road, just beyond the Sleeping Giant. The path leading up to the manor is curvy.   Ruined from the outside, the manor still stood, but clearly in a poor, unmaintained state. It appeared much more like a castle than a simple place of dwelling, and was surrounded by a handful of trees and shrubs. The floors were made of flagstone and the walls were well-made stone blocks.   A group of adventurers cleared the ruined manor of the Redbrand ruffians and claimed it for their own. Extensive rebuild took place which saw a two stories added and a dock for the groups airship.

Purpose / Function

Now the headquarters for Phandalin and District Shipping Company. A small organisation specialising in the brewing of ale and transportation of goods. The company has a small number of employees which live in Phandalin and work in the manor. Business meetings are carried out and trade deals struck in the lavish study.


A complete rebuild of the manor took place over a number of months during 1495. Many of the Phandalin towns people helped to thank the adventurers for freeing them.   The rebuild includes study, dinning room, library, kitchen, bath house, rooms for the owners and a refurbishment and repurpose of the basement. To the rear of the manor a large scafolding like structure peers over to the top of the roof. This is the docking area for the adventurers airship.


Made from many of the existing stone work which was left around the ruin. Large oak beams from Neverwinter wood have been used for a lot of the interior work such as floor, doors and furniture.


The PDS company installed 4 stone golems after an incursion by a rival company the Zhentarim. The stone golems are station at key points in the house to ensure that with a whisper of a key word the statues will animated and patrol the house.   The statues originated from the house of Thalivar in Leilon. The party after helping the wizard Gallieo free himself from possession gifted the inert statues. With some time and effort Mordai researched runes and found a purpose for the statues.


Tresendar Manor was one of the largest buildings in Phandalin. During the 10th century DR, it was inhabited by the Tresendar family, when the orcs raided Phandalin the sword coast area. Long after its abandonment, it served as a base for the Redbrands in the late 15th century DR, as well as bugbears, goblins, and a nothic. Soon after being cleared out the people of Phandalin gifted the ruins to a group of adventurers who rebuilt the manor and settled in the area.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
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