Cryovain (Cry-o-vain)

Cryovain was an adolescent white dragon enslaved by frost giants sometime after the War of the Silver Marches.   Cryovain was dim-witted and cruel, like most white dragons. She refused to cooperate with or show mercy to humanoids, regardless of whatever aid they might have provided her. The only thing she appeared to care about was the well being of her eggs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cryovain lived with her mate Isendraug on Svardborg.   In the late 1480s or early 1490s DR, frost giant minions of Jarl Storvald reclaimed the place during an absence of Isendraug and Cryovain and took the opportunity to steal all their eggs. Storvald blackmailed the two white dragons to obey his orders or face the destruction of the eggs.   Cryovain was chained to the "Krigvind", the jarl's colossal warship. During battles, Storvald ordered Cryovain to provide air support.   After escaping the frost giants, Cryovain flew south to avoid other more powerful dragons. She killed the orc war chief Kra and drove his tribe of orcs out of Icespire Hold on Icespire Peak, taking the fortress as her new lair. Cryovain terrorized the surrounding areas—including the settlements of Phandalin, Gnomengarde, Leilon, and Neverwinter —and the displaced orcs wreaked havoc in the area as well. Cryovain also drove a manticore from its mountaintop nest, which then attacked Adabra Gwynn's home on Umbrage Hill.   Cryovain secured her eggs atop of the Icespire Hold and awaited their hatching. However a group of adventurers climbed their way up to the castle and slew the dragon causing a huge avalanche burying Icespire Hold and the eggs in deep snow.
Date of Death
Winter 1495