Icespire Hold

Icespire Hold is a stone fortress on Icespire Peak, the tallest peak of the Sword Mountains on the Sword Coast North.   Icespire Hold consists of two separate buildings that are situated on different ledges of the mountain flank and connected by a stone bridge. For non-flying creatures, the only entry point is a narrow trail. It leads to the smaller building, which is used as a gatehouse and includes stables. The difficult access and the presence of arrow slits makes the fortress easy to defend.   The main building is only accessible via the stone bridge. The outer defenses as well as the undercroft are hidden behind secret doors. The undercroft contains the crypts and a secret exit, which once contained a toboggan that could be used to escape via the mountainside in an emergency.


Icespire Hold was built by Delsendra Amzarr, a local warlord who lived there for many years and kept the orcs of the Sword Mountains at bay. Eventually, a very harsh winter ended her reign. The extreme weather cut off the supply chains and Delsendra and her soldiers were trapped in the fortress and starved to death.   When the fortress was abandoned, it was damaged by an earthquake. Ten years later, an orc tribe led by the war chief Kra took over Icespire Hold. The orcs' reign didn't last long because the adolescent white dragon Cryovain decided to make Icespire Hold its new lair. She gained access through the southwest section that was still damaged by the earthquake. Cryovain ate Kra and several other orcs, causing the remaining orcs to flee. The dragon then settled on the roof and occupied the fortress.   A group of adventurers climbed the mounting to slay the dragon and in the ensuing battle caused the Dragon to crash into the mounting killing her bu also causing an avalanche. Partially burying the hold, the small amount of treasure and Cryovain dragon eggs, the group escaped on the taboggan.
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