Elmar Barthen (El-mar Bar-th-en)

Elmar Barthen is the proprietor of Barthen's Provisions, the largest trading post in Phandalin.   He is aging and slender with a balding head. He is known as a kind man. He employs two local lads, Ander and Thistle, and is quite attached to his ox, Vincent. He has a good business relationship with Phandalin's Townmaster, Tibor Wester, and helped his half-brother, Harbin Wester, to circumvent Neverwinter taxes by transporting supplies to the formers logging business, prior to himtaking over as Mayor. Elmar also works with agents of Dagult Neverember as they rebuilt Leilon, particularly the gnome goatherd Pinchwit Wigglehoof. His contacts with wealthy merchants in Waterdeep allowed him to broker major sales for local sellers from Phandalin and Leilon.
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