Tibor Wester (Ti-bore West-er)
Tibor Wester is the current mayor of Phandalin. He took on the duties after his brother Harbin Wester was murdered.
A hard working man, he ran the logging cabin in Neverwinter woods. Sending fallen trees down the river Nethlur towards Neverwinter. A large number of logs were however returned to Phandalin at the request of his brother. These were used to help rebuild the settlement.
The loggers cabin came under attack from Ankhegs, who were called forth by the Anchorites of Talos. A group of adventures rescued him and returned him to Phandalin, where he quickly assumed the position of Mayor.
He is a well liked man who spends much of his time visiting the inhabitants of Phandalin and the outlying areas, making sure that their needs are heard and met where possible.