Faerún (Fey-rune)

Faerún is a continent on planet Toril.   The continent includes terrain that is as varied as any other. Besides the exterior coastline to the west and south, the most dominant feature on the continent is the Sea of Fallen Stars. This is an irregular inland sea that keeps the interior lands fertile, connects the west and east regions of Faerûn and serves as a major trade route for many of the bordering nations.   Next in significance is the Shaar, a broad region of grasslands in the south that, together with the Lake of Steam, separates the area around the inland sea from the coastal nations at the southern edge of the continent. To the east, Faerûn is bordered by a vast region of steppes from Kara-Tur, and in the north are massive glaciers (Pelvuria and Reghed) and tundra. South of the continent, separated by the Great Sea, is the sub-tropical land of Zakhara.


Northwest   A region of wilderness, difficult winter weather, orc hordes, and barbarian tribes, this region is generally referred to as "The North", which also contains most of the "Sword Coast North". It is a mostly untamed region that lays between the large Anauroch desert in the east and the expansive Sea of Swords in the west, north of the High Moor.   High Forest: A traditional home of the elves.
Frozenfar: The frigid north that contains the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale, the Spine of the World and the Sea of Moving Ice.
Savage Frontier: The rugged frontier of the north that attracts farmsteaders and others that chose to live off the land.
Silver Marches: A confederation of humans, dwarves, and elves, with the city of Silverymoon at its heart.
Sword Coast North: This dangerous coastal area comprised several great cities, including the metropolis of Waterdeep.
  West   This region includes the nations south of Waterdeep and north of the Shining Sea that border along the Sea of Swords. It encompasses both the majority of the Sword Coast and the Lands of Intrigue, as well as:   Evermeet: The island homeland for most of the elves of Faerûn following the great retreat.
Lantan: This technologically advanced island-nation is home to human and gnomish worshipers of Gond.
Lands of Intrigue:
Amn: A huge, relatively new human nation of great wealth and prosperity.
Calimshan: This kingdom of extreme wealth, founded by genies, extolled mercantilism.
Tethyr: This arid land is home to a nation racked with war and intrigue as well as a forest with a heavy elven population.
The Moonshae Isles: A series of rugged and harsh islands located off the western coast of Faerûn.
The Nelanther Isles: An island of predominantly non-human pirates that raid the Sword Coast.
Nimbral: The mysterious, picturesque island nation of famed wizards and mounted aerial knights.
The Sword Coast: A rich coastline of trade, piracy, and adventure between Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
Baldur's Gate: This metropolis is the hub between a number of trading routes named after the famous explorer Balduran.
The Western Heartlands: This vast land of independent cities and farmlands spann the area between the western coast and the nation of Cormyr.