Fafnir Fairhart (Fa-f-near fairhart)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the city of Silverymoon, east of the Sword Coast. His mother Fafiel Fairgrove, a high elf healer fell madly in love with his father, Nirellwyrm the Hearty, an ancient Silver Dragon. Nirellwyrm liked to appear as a high elf and live among the populace of Silverymoon. The more time he spent around Fafiel the more he grew fond of her, until fondness turned to love. As the decades past Nirellwyrm remained in his elf form and eventually Fafnir was born.   As a young boy Fafnir appeared like those around him, although fair in complexion and silvery white hair. As he began to grow into adulthood though he was taller and leaner than those around him. Around his 50th birthday calamity struck whilst visiting the Star mounts with his father. Two young white dragons raided the outskirts of Silverymoon looking for food. In the attack a number of people were killed, and homes destroyed. When returning there was no sign of his mother. For the first time in decades Nirellwyrm transformed back into his true shape and in vengeance sought out the two dragons. For the first time Fafnir saw his true father. However as soon as the white dragons, Cryovain and Isendraug learnt there was an older silver dragon in the area they fled.   With Nirellwyrm heart broken and in mourning, he explained to Fafnir everything that he was and could become. Almost as a vale had been lifted from his eyes, everything seemed to make sense now. The strong emotion around magical items and gold, his physical appearance and caring nature. Nirellwyrm sent Fafnir out into the world to hunt down the two White Dragons, to adventure, gain fortune and begin his transformation.




Fafnir Spent much of his youth studying in the colleges and Silverymoon. He has a very good education and was a natural accademic. He was the head of his class and joined the House of Silverquill learning a few minor spells along the way.
Current Status
Hunting down Cryovain and Isendraug
Current Location
Rich Yellow
Short silvery White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale but immaculate
6' 2"
122 lb
Known Languages
Common Draconic Elvish Infernal Gith