Anchorites of Talos

The anchorites of Talos were originally a loosely organized group of half-orc shamans and mystics dedicated to Talos.   The anchorites served Talos's will by inflicting destruction on those they saw as intruding on their territory. They performed rituals in honour of Talos, often involving humanoid and animal sacrifices followed by dancing. These rituals were used to invoke Talos’s favour, to create magical storms in his name, and to summon Gorthok Thunderboar to wreak havoc. The anchorites also nurtured and made use of other monsters to attack local populations, including Ankhegs and blights.   However after Fherelia Stormsworn begun to claim she was pregnant with Talos' child a larger following begun. Fherelia enveloped and took control of the Anchorites pushing them into larger more confrontational battles.   The cult begun to create shrines along the sword coast to summon Talos for Fherelia. In addition it corrupted or destroyed lighthouses to lure sailors into the cliffs and even managed to hijack Ulura Mortis' Dreadnaught undead ship. With this the cult wreaked havoc up and down the coast causing serious disruption to merchant vessels which effected cities like Neverwinter which heavily exported and imported.   The cult had a base of operations at the Thunder wave cliffs where Gadrille Reef Reaver, the fanatical second in command was based.   The Phandalin and District Shipping Company attempted to assault the stronghold however were beaten back. Only to then slay Fherelia on the undead ship.   With the leader of the cult killed, the lighthouses cured and shrines destroyed, the remaining cult members have melted away, returning to obscurity. However Gadrille Reef Reaver an extremely zealous member is still at large, although her where about are unknown.
Dissolution Date
Religious, Cult
Notable Members