Gustaf Stellern (Gus-staf Stel-ern)

(a.k.a. Falcon)

Gustaf Stellern, nicknamed Falcon the Hunter, was the owner of a hunting lodge in Neverwinter Wood. He catered to nobles from Neverwinter who were looking for a break from city life.   Falcon is 6.6 ft tall. He has broad shoulders and cold blue eyes. His hair is black and he sports a neatly trimmed beard. Falcon wear a fur-lined cloak over his studded leather armor.   Falcon shows no fear and appears confident and casual even in difficult situations. He prefers living on the periphery of civilization to overcrowded city life. Falcon is a wine connoisseur and treats other people fairly and patiently. However, he has a deep hatred for orcs. He detests them so much that he hung the heads of killed orcs as trophies in his hunting lodge.   After the attack on the lodge saw his stable hands killed Falcon fled the lodge and returned to Phandalin for aid. However the horde which attacked the lodge was to fearsome that none of the people would aid him. Falcon still resides in Phandalin, currently staying in the Stonehill Inn.
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