Falcon's Hunting Lodge

Falcon's hunting lodge was the only safe retreat for travelers in the southern reaches of Neverwinter Wood during the late 15th century DR. It belonged to Gustaf Stellern, who was called Falcon the Hunter. He catered to wealthy people from Neverwinter who were looking for a break from city life.   The main lodge was a two-story building with the heads of dead orcs hanging as trophies on the walls of the dining hall. A fortified tower was attached to the main house. Additionally, the compound included a guest house, a connected two-story stable house and smithy, a gatehouse and an outhouse. There were also pens on the hunting lodge grounds for two dozen chickens and a rooster, six pigs, and four goats. In his pantry, Falcon stored enough supplies for an entire season. The whole compound was protected against the forest wildlife by a 10‑foot-high log palisade. A narrow stone bridge allowed crossing the Neverwinter River at the hunting lodge.   However this was not enough to hold back rampaging Half Orc Anchorites of Talos as they stormed the ldoge killing many of the stable hands. Gustaf only narrowly escaped and seer refuge at Phandalin where he still resides today.

Purpose / Function

Food and stays in the simple guest house were free but a stay in the deluxe guest room cost 10 gp per night. Falcon also offered his survival skills to anybody in need of a guide.


Following the appearance of the white dragon Cryovain in the Sword Mountains, Falcon noticed an alliance of orcs from the south and the half-orc anchorites of Talos had gathered in the Woodland Manse not far from his hunting lodge. He reached out to Phandalin to hire some adventurers to make a preemptive strike against them. In retaliation, a horde of orcs and half orcs attacked Falcon's hunting lodge. The anchorites of Talos also conjured Gorthok the Thunder Boar to aid their attack.   The huge Thunder Boar easily destroyed the wooden pallisade, once there was a breach in the wall the horde quickly gained access and the defense was lost. Flacon fled from the lodge and has not returned since, feeling guilty of abandoning those he hired but also fear of what will have become of his lodge.
Lodge, Cabin
Parent Location
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Articles under Falcon's Hunting Lodge