House of Thalivar

The High Tower of Thalivar, also known as the High House of Thalivar and later as simply the House of Thalivar after it was rebuilt in the late 15th century DR, is a wizard tower in Leilon. The top floor used to houses a powerful planar beacon, thus also earning the tower the name of Thalivar's Beacon.   The tower is located in the center of the town of Leilon atop a small crag. It rises significantly higher than the town's other buildings.


The tower was constructed in the middle of Leilon by the wizard Thalivar and his fey companion Soapwort sometime in the late 13th century DR. It served as the center for the wizard's research on the planes, predominantly the ethereal plane. The tower was fitted with a planar beacon, which lured extraplanar creatures toward it, and special holding cells which could then be used to capture these creatures. However, upon Thalivar's discovery of a Netherese artifact called the Ruinstone in the ethereal plane, a wild magic surge (the spell plague) disabled the protective wards keeping his captured test subjects docile. The creatures broke free, damaged the beacon, and collapsed part of the tower onto the wizard, killing him.   The Tower laid in ruins for a many year
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