Caer-Dineval (kair-DIN-eh-vawl)

In generations past, travellers to Caer-Dineval had to follow the rocky shore of Lac Dinneshere until, after several hours, they spied a small fortress (the “caer” for which the town is named) jutting up from the prominence where it overlooks the lake. A ferry out of Easthaven made the arduous trek unnecessary for merchants and other travellers, but the ferry was discontinued two months ago, cutting off Caer-Dineval (and its eastward neighbour, Caer-Konig) from the rest of Ten-Towns except by the overland route. Town residents are furious that the ferry service has stopped, mainly because they have not received deliveries of mead from the town of Good Mead, and the taverns have run dry.   In 1489 DR a group calling themselves "The Black Swords" placed Speaker Crannoc Siever under house arrest and attempted to assert control over the town. They were defeated, and Speaker Siever returned to office. Shortly after, however, a dragon attack completely raised the town. Due to prompt action by a band of heroes, the Caer itself remained undamaged, and all the residents were saved. It is not clear whether the town will rebuild yet. Until the endless winter in Icewind Dale is lifted, the town's major industry and source of income - fishing - is not viable due to the freezing of Lac Dinneshere.


  • Map of Caer-Dineval

10 Alturiak, 1489 DR

Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: The destruction of Caer-Dineval by Midjourney AI