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Phandalin (Fan-duh-lin)

Ruined town growing into a home for miners and families in the Sword Coast

Town Description

Phandalin is a small frontier township area located just South off the Triboar trail and beneath Neverwinter Wood. It is roughly 3 days travel from the city of Neverwinter and 3 days from Wave Echo Cave, a.k.a. The Lost Mine. Currently governed by the elected townmaster Harbin Wester. Mostly it is just a stop off town for travelers along the Triboar trail as well as miners of the hills that dot the landscape around the area. The town is too small to sustain its own defense force which allowed Iarno and his Redbrands taking over and suppressing the town until forced out of by the party. The town has roots dating back many centuries when it was first established by the Tresendar family but was attacked by mages and warriors on their way to capture Wave Echo Cave, and the town became abandoned. About a decade or so ago the town has been reestablished by frontiersmen and regained its inhabitants.   Phandalin is an old style frontier town that has grown up around the old ruins of the abandoned town that once stood before. Most of the buildings are single story dwellings except for the Stonehill Inn which has an upstairs floor for visitors and guests of the inn. The buildings are of stone and wood frame while the entrance to town is no more than an old dirt road. There is a small area of green at the centre of housing area as well as a small orchard within the grounds of the town. The areas to the west and south include small farmsteads while the old Tresendar Manor stands dilapidated on the hill to the east overlooking the town.   Tresendar Manor was gifted to the party as thanks for ridding the area of The Spider, the Redbrands, and the Cragmaw Bandits.  

Notable People

  • Harbin Wester | Townmaster of Phandalin | 50, Balding human man who wears "cheap fancy" clothes
  • Sister Gala | Acolyte of Tymora, Member of the Harpers | 35, Brunette half-elf in brown and green robes | Always seems overly caffeinated
  • Elmar Barthen | Owner of Barthen's Provisions | 45, Tabaxi with brown fur
  • Toblen & Trilena Stonehill | Owners of Stonehill Inn & Tavern | Halflings w/ son Pip
  • Halia Thornton | Guild Master of the Miner's Exchange | 40, Bronze dragonborne
  • Daran Edermath | Retired adventurer, alchemist, orchard farmer | 60, Blue firbolg in a flower crown
  • Linene Graywind | Owner of the Lionshield Coster
  • Mirna Dendrar | Local woman who was taken by Redbrands along with her children after they killed her husband. Rescued by the party.
  • Qelline Alderleaf, a Halfling farmer
  • Iarno Albreck / The Eye | 40-yr-old human mage who lead the Redbrands to try to control Phandalin for Nezznar a.k.a. The Spider | DEAD - killed by Selci's fire spell burning his face off :)

Notable Locations

  • Stonehill Inn, the main Inn and Tavern withing the town
  • Shrine of Luck, a small shine to Tymora
  • Edermath Orchard, an area of apple trees owned by Daran Edermath
  • Tresendar Manor, the large and rundown old manor to the east of town where the original founding family of the town lived. Taken over by Redbrands and gifted to the party.
  • Barthen's Provisions, supplier of miscellaneous goods
  • Lionshield Coster, vendor of common armor and weaponry
  • The Sleeping Giant, a dive bar inn that w frequented by the Redbrands
  • Townmaster's Hall, the seat of government and law in the town
  • Phandalin Miner's Exchange, a trading post for mining gear and finds
  • Alderleaf Farm, a small local farmsted


The original settlement of Phandalin was ruined ~500 years ago when mages and warriors attacked on their way to take over Wave Echo Cave and the Forge of Spells. Reestablished ~10 years ago by prospective miners looking for ore in the nearby hills and mountains.

World Context

The town of Phandalin is not very well known since it has only been reestablished ~10 years ago. It is too small and insignificant to be known by ordinary people of the region. Only those who have been there themselves or know somebody who has spent significant time there will have any general or specific knowledge of the place.   Though Phandalin is far too small to be a member of the Lord's Alliance, its proximity to member cities has granted the town some aid and protection from the organization.


  • Phandalin
Location under
Included Locations

Campaign Events

  • Phandalin was the home base of the "Lost Mine of Phandelver" arc
  • Party hired by Gundren Rockseeker to deliver goods safely to Phandalin
  • Party cleared the Redbrand Hideout and rid the town of its ruffians and leader, Iarno Albreck
  • A hero's feast for the party magically appeared, and Lucan's birthday unicorn piñata came to life and attacked the town but was eliminated by the party


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