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Thundertree (Thun-dur-tree)

Ruined village overgrown with foliage and occupied by dangerous creatures


Thundertree was a small village in the plains east of Neverwinter on the edge of the Neverwinter Wood. The village supported itself by harvesting and selling timber from the Neverwinter Wood, ensuring new trees were planted wherever timber was felled.    Less than 100 years after its founding, Thundertree was destroyed by earthquakes and fires. The disturbed earth and magic in Thundertree spawned a horde of ash zombies, which ran off the surviving townsfolk to settle down elsewhere, several making homes in Phandalin.    Thundertree is currently composed of about a dozen dilapidated buildings overgrown with vine and brush. In the middle of the settlement, a steep hill rises to a stone tower and adjoining cottage, both largely in tact but with partially collapsed rooves. At the base of this hill there is a gigantic tree covered in vines and viper plants.  

✧ Open Threads ✧

In the decades since Thundertree was destroyed and ash zombies took over, more strange things have appeared in the ruins. The party was sent to Thundertree to gather potion ingredients by Daran in Phandalin, and they discovered lingering ash zombies, vicious attacking viper plants, and humanoid monsters made of viper plants and vines. The party also found evidence of one or more people recently staying in one of the ruined houses, as well as evidence of a dragon frequenting the ruins.   The following topics are threads in this are that could potentially be explored further. 
  • Blights coming from giant tree
  • Dragon frequenting the ruins
  • Humanoid(s) staying in ruined house


  • Thundertree

40 years ago

Location under


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