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Fryndar Bullbelly

General Fryndar Bullbelly (a.k.a. Bullbelly)

This tall broad-shouldered man has sun-kissed skin and eyes the color of seafoam. Neatly kept blonde hair on his head sweeps to the side as a long, well kept beard sports a sense of true nobility. Silvery plates in a scale motif with azure details make up his fine armor, trimmed in the fur of a polar bear. The left bracer bears a circular disc, hollow in the middle, with six points radiating evenly along the outer edge. He wears a fierce look, a shiny gold and jeweled bastard sword hilt shines from a fine leather scabbard, worn easily at his waist. A finely crafted sentinel shield of adamantium and trimmed in bronze is strapped across his back in quick reach of his left hand.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A towering man with a presence which demands attention while in a room or commanding his soldiers. Broad shouldered, and clean kept, the General keeps a commanding presence, only seconds himself to the Marchioness and in her presence.

Facial Features

Fryndar Bullbelly has a scar along his face over his right eye. If this affects his eyesight or not in unknown.

Specialized Equipment

Bullbelly carries a large bastard sword and an adamantium sentinel sword. Both radiate with magical properties if viewed with a detect magic spell.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Fryndar Bullbelly is a known individual at the Marchioness's side. Possibly due to his large stature, or his constant reasoning to have an ale and feast for the slightest reason. He has become a favorite celebrity of the locals as he seeks for the commoners reasons to cheer.   Fryndar has voiced his dislike of the Masks company, and voiced he would like to see their keep returned to the hands of the city watch and city command.

Virtues & Personality perks

Fryndar is a man of personal virtue and has a sense of own codes. Sometimes trying to decipher what his own code is has been an issue for those who work under him.


Contacts & Relations

Frynbar is considered very close to the Marchioness. Prior to the Marchioness taking up her reign, Frynbar would rarely come to Kythyss from his keep. Upon Arda surviving her encounter with the collapsed temple, Frynbar has made himself available to Arda and served as a personal guard of sorts to the Lady.

Wealth & Financial state

Fryndar Bullbelly own the Blackstone Bastion as a family keep. The keep is some 20 miles from Kythyss along the coast. He has a contingency, and some would call it a regiment of gnomes which keep the Bastion fortified and stocked while Fryndar serves the Marchioness.
Current Status
Serving the Marchioness as General
Current Location
Pale blue green
Long blonde
6' 8"
Quotes & Catchphrases
'“May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of love lose it's scales.”
Ruled Locations


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