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Troubles in Kythyss

General Summary

Upon destroying the Balhannoth living along the ruins of a High Roads ancient temple, and the Wyvern nest above the peaks, the group decided to return to Kythyss and explore the port city.   The group began searching the local shops and finding goods and wares they needed from their adventuring. They shopped at the local bookstore, and the magic pedlars for new potions.   After exploring the port, Clorinda found an interesting mystic and divination wizard in the southward district. She watched the wizard sell small magic trinkets of small magic, and skeptically watched as the lady cast for a fortune. Skeptically, Clorinda paid the gold to see if this truly was a magic spell or if she was a cheap conjurer of  tricks. Her doubts were soon erased as she witnessed the Lady Elluxea Oviar ritually cast Divination on Clorinda for her fortune. Her fortune though, made her curious as to it's meaning. A riddle that needed to be solved, or understood. Clorinda gradually talked every member into having their fortunes read, although all they were left with was a large group of riddles to be deciphered and understood.   Upon leaving the divination wizard, the group traveled across town to explore the destroyed temple remains. Upon investigating the grounds, they found large piles of rubble throughout from the destruction and falling of the building. Stones were strung throughout the location, and remains were still present from the event. A memorial stone had been carved and erected outside the temple to remember their loss and the tragic event.    Upon investigating the ruins, the group found a large bell, weathered from the elements, but still recently new. They decided this likely to be the reported bell which had been raised for the celebration and rung for the ceremony just prior to the destruction of the temple. Investigating the bell, the group found it to be covered in magical runes. The runes seemed to be an amplification type of magic to amplify the bell's sound.    Deeper into the ruins, the group found a single open stair down to the basement, the reported opening from with the Marchioness herself escaped from her certain death. Following the stair down the group found mostly old storage and study rooms, typical for under a temple.  Eleanora and Welby found an old passage which appeared to go down, however it appeared too dark and musty to further explore so she returned to the more habitable parts of the ruin.  Exploring the temple undercroft more the group entered a large main hall with ancient plaques and wall carving stones. As Clorinda attempted to create a stone rubbing of the runes, Lars, exploring the other side of the hall me a dark figure sitting on a bench. This dark figure immediately raised up and screamed at Lars with a high pitch wail of maddening cries. Lars being the only one near fortunately is made of tougher stuff and his Paladin smite soon made work of the ghostly allip. However immediately another group of ghosts immediately attacked the group in the dark undercroft.  It was a quick battle, with 4 or 5 ghosts immediately put down with no casualties of the group. However Eleanora had become terrified from the ghosts sudden appearance and had magically seemed to age by 20 years.  With no immediate threats detected they immediately decided to head back into town to find a healer who could restore Eleanora's lost age. As they entered town and were seeking who may be possible to help, or sell the proper potion or scroll, at this point Farstrider decided to wander away from the group. Clorinda, concerned decided to follow Farstrider to find what was his matter. At this point Farstrider struck Clorinda and began to sprint away. While faster afoot, Farstrider was not faster than Clorinda's spells and soon was met with a blight upon himself. Hearing the scuffle, the remaining group soon joined and demanded to know what was happening. Upon not recieving any answers from Farstrider they assumed he must have been possessed while fighting the ghosts and is currently under possession. They immediately began to tie him up. However the group was not very good with knots and ghost-Farstrider was able to break his ties and run for freedom in the nearby crowd.    As Farstrider made his run, Clorinda cast a thunder spell, knocking ghost-Farstrider to the ground and knocking him seriously unconscious, Lars immediately ran up and with a smite struck the ghost as it was exiting Farstrider, sending ghostly ectoplasm on everything around them.  A contingency of guards soon arrived demanding to know what occurred. While Clorinda began to describe some horrible scene of bloody battles and scary ghosts, fortunately Siegmeyer, more accustomed to soldiers, guards, and city orders dissolved the situation and gently explained what occurred, that no damage had occurred and things were under control.   After the incident with the ghost, Farstrider returned to the Wereboar Inn to recuperate and consider his fate, how he came to be there and how he should proceed. Eleanora and Clorinda went to the THE PESTLE AND MORTAR to see if any potions or spells could be had to restore Eleanora's lost years. A few large coins slipped to the male elf shopkeeper, and after his careful inspection and he responded for the group to return in the morning.    The night began as Eleanora worriedly sat on a bench outside the Pestle and Mortar praying to her gods for  morning to come soon.

Character(s) interacted with

City Guard, the Lady Elluxea, the shopkeeper Galathing of the Pestle.
Report Date
15 Oct 2022
Primary Location


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