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The Masks

The Masks began operation in Kythyss at the request of the Governor of Kythyss. The request to utilize a mercenary group for protection came from the end of the 10-year war between King Kendrick and Amn, which had currently set out from Snowdown. Due to the lengthy battle and depletion of ready soldiers, as well as the withdrawal of official King Kendrick soldiers to northern areas surrounding Callidyr, the people of Kythyss began to fear infiltration from Amn in their port and requested additional protection from the small, depleted garrison of Kythyss.   The Masks, officially led by Ghelvan the Buzzard, agreed to operate at the service of Kythyss and signed an agreement with the governor to operate as protection for the city for the next 10 years in the place or adjacent of the local militia. The contract for The Masks has the option to be renewed upon the conclusion of the 10 years.   The Masks have been stationed in the old fortified keep off the bay since their entering the city. This keep has been in and out of use by the city and its military units for hundreds of years, with multiple renovations and abandonments. At the time of the masks moving into the keep, it had been abandoned for over 80 years and was seen by the governor as a good way to rebuild the fortifications with minimal effort by the citizens of Kythyss. This, however, was not the case as The Masks forced local artisans and workers to rebuild the keep at their own expense, citing the rebuilding effort as 'taxation' and protection. Some artisans refused to participate and were quickly either 'removed' from the city or, as the masks put it, 'changed their mind.'   Currently, The Masks have been seen as overseeing local trade coming in and out of the port, and their docks compete with the City Portmaster for supplies in and out of the ports. With docks on multiple sides, ships have docked at either pier, unloading at the Mask's controlled piers and being stored through their controlled warehouses. These warehouses officially are under the control of the local government, but the Portmaster, per his statements, has been refused access for auditing on multiple occasions. Ships of Amnian sail have docked at piers under the control of The Masks, and rarely under those held by the Portmaster.
The Masks were a medium-sized group of at least two hundred members that sold their services around the south of the Moonshae Isles, setting up residence in Kythyss to operate for the protection of the city.
Upon the death of the governor and the subsequent election of Agda Persdotter to replace him, the contract between Kythyss and the Masks has been questioned as to if it is still in place. The Marchioness has officially made no official word about the contract, but it is known during her election. The Masks were very vocal about support for her adversary in the election, although their candidate ultimately lost to the local celebrity.     The Marchioness' official stance when questioned has been laws and agreements as written and signed by official documents are not renegotiated by every new leader and thus will be evaluated upon completion of the contract.
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Assumed Veterancy
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