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Chapter 18: Happy Happenstances

General Summary

Date: 28th of Kythorn to 8th of Flamerule, 1491 DR

Amidst the black void of darkness distant whispers began to fill out the room. The expanded vortex of darkness was oppressing any light source within except a symbol that appeared red-hot on Bene. As quickly as they appeared, the shadows were sucked into the corpse of the deceased. Light filled out the room once more, the cleric was unconscious on the ground and a shape of a masked figure was floating above Bene. It eventually descended within Bene, shocking him awake. The black pupils quickly shifted to normal and Bene gasped for air.   The heroes woke up the cleric and picked him up from the ground. Something strange had occurred, but the cleric had no answers. As he stumbled outside the room, their suspicion turned towards Bene, but seeing their once-dead friend now exhausted and confused, they decided not to press him further. The High Priestess Velantha Waerdar came asking for the events that almost killed one of her acolytes, but the party couldn't tell even if they wanted to.    She tasked the heroes to visit the Three Rivers festhall, and spend some of her coins in the establishment. Her temple would also offer a place to rest for the adventurers for nine days and food for those days. Before tackling the task at hand, the heroes had to deposit some of their gold they've acquired from their adventures and find a suitable place to leave their horses. So the path led them to the Sword Coast Trader's Bank, the massive building erected next to the Fishyard.   After dealing with the bureaucracy of the bank the Good Fellas had managed to open a joint account for four of their members. Then after hiring a stable hand to take care of their horses and wagon, the adventurers made their way to the Three Rivers. Arriving to the north-eastern side of Yartar, the Good Fellas quickly realized the establishment was not suitable for Nomime. When the guard at the door confirmed this, Nomime decided to venture off and meet the rest later on.    The bouncer confiscated the gold given by Velantha, when the adventurers revealed her plot to him. Bene, wanting to complete the task, schemed himself inside with the marked gold. Inside the three Good Fellas found the festhall filled with adultery, intoxicating smells and alcohol and soothing music. Bene sook company and celebrated his resurrection with one of the service workers. Ranvas and Virion made their way to the souvenir shop where Virion bought numerous shirts and Ranvas acquired a whip.   Thus began the downtime of five days for the Good Fellas. Nomime spent this time acquiring a book on Giant History, spell scrolls and information about the Cloud Giant castle. Ranvas worked in the arts of cooking as well as crafted himself a new boomstick called The Musket. Virion studied herbs and plants of Faerûn while Bene began his task for the Zhentarim.   With the aid of the family, Bene had managed to gain an audience with the Waterbaroness of Yartar Nestra Ruthiol. Gathering the favor of the Zhentarim, Nestra gave Bene a black iron key with exquisite value. She beckoned him and the Black Network to stop bothering her and so Bene was escorted outside the premise.   When the downtime was at end, the heroes gathered and began their journey through Evermoor Way. The five days of travel was accompanied by bad weather but with quick wits and the masterful scout abilities of Nomime, the heroes were able to avoid any danger that lurked in the horizon. Passing through Calling Horns , after a day of travel the rain had lessened into small specks of water. Traveling through morning when the faint bit of sunlight pierced the grey clouds, the adventurers saw Noanar's Hold in the horizon.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Espionage for the High Priestess
  • Collected the favor from the Waterbaroness

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
02 Jan 2022


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