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Nomime Shandri

Nomime Shandri (a.k.a. Nomi)

Nomi is a teenager from Phandalin. She enjoys studying about various different subjects but after finding her grandmother's old notebook became very interested in spellcasting. Nomi cares about her village dearly and is willing to help her neighbours if she is able

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is quite short and lean. However, she is not very athletic.

Facial Features

Nomi has blue eyes and usually has a friendly expression

Identifying Characteristics

Long brown hair

Special abilities

Spells! and nerdy boi

Apparel & Accessories

She is wearing common clothes suited for outdoors and long walks -> travel gear

Specialized Equipment

She is specialised through extensive reading and practice in spellcasting

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nomi was born is Phandalin and has llived there her entire life. She has parents and a little brother. Her parents used to be librarians in Neverwinter but since having her they decided to move to a smaller town and focus on their research. She has always been encouraged to study and try various areas of expertise to see what she enjoys the best. After the age of ten she has often accompanied her parents on trips to bigger towns when they have had to collect further reading or give presentations about their findings. This gave Nomi a chance to also explore the vast amount of books and learn to speak many languages. On her free time she has enjoyed helping her neighbours with various daily tasks and chatting up the townsfolk on the street.    One day when she was 11 years old, she was exploring their attic to find a particular book on alchemy her father needed. After poking around and pulling tens of books from the shelves, she found a peculiar looking notebook. This book included strange deciphers and drawings she did not understand. At the front, however, was her grandmother's name. Eager to learn more, as her parents rarely spoke of her deceased grandma she tried to find books about this strange language in their home and visits to libraries. Soon she discovered this language was draconic and spent the next months teaching it to herself and translating this notebook. It was soon evident that this booklet was about magic and even had a few spells written inside. Despite her extensive education, her parents had never taught her anything like this and preferred more scholarly subjects such as mathematics, physics and geography.    During their next visits to the libraries of Neverwinter and others, Nomi tried to especially find books about spellcasting, for what could be more interesting to a child than magic. Through years of practice with the help of her grandmother's notebook, Nomi has been able to learn a few spells herself and start her own spellbook. She has practiced in secret as she has not wished to draw attention from a group of ruffians called the Redbrands. Only her parents know of her interest in the arcane. During the Redbrand invasion, Nomi has tried to help and protect her neighbours to the best of her abilities.

Gender Identity





Nomi has been educated in all the matters people her age should, and through her own reading has educate herself on magic and spellcasting.


Not applicable

Accomplishments & Achievements

Deciphering her grandmother's notebook was the start of her interest in spellcasting

Intellectual Characteristics

Nomi is quite intelligent for her age and enjoys learning new things through studying

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge of a wide variety of matters should be used to better the life of others but learning can also be about having fun and acquiring cool abilities

Personality Characteristics


There is much about the world still unknown to people and I want to part of figuring out some of the mysteries involved.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is book smart but not so much with practicalities

Likes & Dislikes

  • Cake
  • Reading & Learning
  • Uncovering mysteries
  • Helping those she can
  • Traveling
  • Dislikes:
  • Evil things
  • Going to bed early
  • Keeping secrets
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • usually has good intentions and the willingness to act
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • Cannot keep secrets
  • Doesn't usually think before acting
  • Hygiene


    Nomi is a nerdy teenager from Phandalin. She wishes to use her knowledge on the arcane arts to establish security for the people of Phandelver, after seeing what a couple of doppelgangers can do to her home town.

    View Character Profile
    Chaoytic Good
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    4 ft 4
    Known Languages
    Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic


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