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Chapter 2: Bandits, Barbarians & Bloody Streets

General Summary

Date: 16th to 21st of Mirtul, 1491 DR

  The party had just killed the leader of the Cragmaw Hideout and had a goblin called Gurbak in their custody, who surrendered after seeing its leader getting shot. When Dei Sao was finished gathering the loot from the corpses and Ranvas Pahrunath had detached the bugbear's head, the party went to Yeemik, a goblin who inspired to lead the Cave, to fulfill their part of the deal. However Yeemik had changed the terms and was now asking for gold for Sildar, who've been captured by the goblins. After a few careful put words from Bene Lugosi and few stabs to Gurbak, the parties came to agreement. Before departing the cave, Firbo managed to free the chained wolves, who ran to freedom to the lush forests of Neverwinter Wood.   Returning to the town of Phandalin at dusk, looking for a place to rest and to distribute the found treasure (thanks to Gurbak) the adventurers went to the Stonehill Inn. A large and very tempered man had already set his eyes on the barkeep as the party took their seats. When the initial introductions were done by Ranvas and this man, it soon was discovered that the axe-wielding hot head was none other than Thah Rockslide the adoptive brother of Bene Lugosi. News was traded and the party learned about the group of bandits called Redbrands who were terrorizing the town. They decided that it would be better to react to this after a good nights rest.   Come morn, Bene realized his captured goblin, Gurbak, had fled during the night. A discussion was started to track the goblin, but the party decided it would be more trouble than its worth and had their breakfast. Sildar told the party he would stay in Phandalin to look for his friend Iarno Albrek. Firbo met with the owner Toblen, and his wife, Trilena Stonehill, who told Firbo about the last nights discussion between Toblen and Dei Sao concerning about dealing with the Redbrand ruffians. He learned of the bandits activities, their bullying and extortions and their place of choice, the Sleeping Giant Inn. Firbo promised to look into the Redbrands, and the party moved on.   Much was discussed for their next plan of actions: To visit the retired adventurer the party heard about from the gossipy barkeep Elsa, to find Gundren who was captured by the goblins or deal with the Redbrands. Eventually the party decided to meet with Elmar to gather their gold and to learn more about the disappearance of Gundren.   When they arrived and met Elmar, the party learned of the Phandelver's Pact and the Lost Mines of Wave Echo Cave. This had to be the motive for Gundren's capture. Also a sinister name kept popping up whenever they were learning about Gundren's disappearance or the Redbrands; the Black Spider. What or who this thing is, is unknown as of yet, but it is tied between all of it somehow. The reward was given for this information and as the party was leaving, a Redbrand by the name of Greg entered the store.   Seemingly minding its own business the man started to gather items to the bag, in which some of the party intervened. By magic, Firbo was managed to charm Greg and was trying to convince him to abandon his robbery and to use him for their plans against the Redbrands. This proved hard, even though Greg was compelled to see Firbo as a friend, the bandit acted rude and hostile towards him. Thah who was eavesdropping the conversation heard of the Redbrands selling slaves and something snapped within him. As Greg was prepared to leave, an axe was quickly embedded into his head and torso. The townsfolk gathered to witness a murder in broad day light, in the middle of the street as the almost dead bandit desperately tried to crawl away. His misery was ended by Firbo, who stabbed the bandit with a sword and after realizing the witnesses, turned invisible.   To much horror and amazement of the citizens, the dead bandit was chopped and dragged through streets. The party was now ready to face the Redbrands but after a disagreement about how to face the issue, the band decided to wait until nightfall before ambushing the bandits. So they headed to meet the mayor of the town called Harbin Wester who hired them to kill the Orcs of Wyvern Tor. After exiting the Townhall, the party was ambushed by Redbrands and a battle erupted, spilling more blood into the streets of Phandalin. Killing all but one, the party dragged the tied up Redbrand into a safe location and questioned him. Simeon, as the thug was called, told the party about the Redbrands and was let off by Ranvas, after being compensated by Bene.   During this point, the party had learned that the Redbrands were harassing everyone and every place except one; Halia Thornton and her establishment the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. So they headed there to find more about this individual. When the short introductions were out of the way, the cool and calculating woman gave the party another task: To not kill the Redbrands as they previously planned, but to deal with their leader so the herd of thugs could be guided more properly. This they agreed to and were told that more lucrative opportunities would arise, should the party deliver on their quest. And so, their destination was now set to the Tresendar Manor, to locate the leader of the Redbrands called the Glasstaff.

Rewards Granted

  •  Klarg's Treasure
  •  5 gp each from Elmar, information about Gundren's kidnapping

Missions/Quests Completed

Storm King's Thunder
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
19 Jun 2021
Primary Location


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