BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 33: The Spine of the World

General Summary

Date: 1st of Eleint to 8th of Eleint, 1491 DR

  Surrounded by the heavily armed soldiers, the Axe of Mirabar, Nomime tried to deceive her way out of the predicament she had found herself in. The guards weren't sure what to make of the young human, but decided to take her in for questioning. They were stopped however, by an old dwarf called Steelfist who managed to help Nomime out of the arrest. After the guards had left, he beckoned the young wizard to follow him.   As the two of them gathered in a well-known drinking establishment called the Delvenhall, King Steelfist got to know Nomime a bit more. He also had managed to procure the Pot of Awakening but instead of selling it to Nomime, he wanted to trade it. The wizard would get the Pot once she'd completed three tasks for the dwarf. She agreed to meet the dwarf tomorrow in his fort once the tasks were complete.   Meanwhile Bene, Ranvas and Virion had no means to carry all the gold they had procured by handing over Weevil so they decided to leave it to the warehouse and headed out to the inn for their long awaited rest. Come morn the adventurers went over their plans to head up to the Great Worm Cavern to pick up the Giant Relic and deliver it to the Eye of the All-Father. Before that however, Nomime still had to complete the tasks and the other members wanted to shop as well.   Once the tasks were completed and the shopping was done, they met King Steelfist by his fort in the northern bank of River Mirar. He offered to patron the party; he would house them and procure items for them and in return, they would occasionally perform tasks or quests for him. The party agreed and once they left the fort they began their journey to the Spine of the World, seeking out the Uthgardt spirit mound, the Great Worm Cavern.   The path through the mountains was long and treacherous. Led by Ranvas, the party pressed on through the icy winds and rain. The journey slowly started to take a toll on some of the members but they continued onward. During this time they would come across a dig site, overseen by a Fire Giant and dozens of goblinoids. The party managed to escape them, and after a six days of travel they had arrived to the Great Worm Cavern.   They sneaked their way inside the massive icy cavern where they would approach the altar of Elreem. A spirit spoke to the party, begging them to hearken the plea of the tribe. The Great Worm tribe had fallen under the sway of a cruel leader called Wormblod. The spirit knew that Wormblod had traveled north to seek out the Runeweaver Draajn, and beckoned the party to hunt him down and to kill him.   The party managed to find the ancient relic in the back of the cavern; a large crescent-shaped giant shield strapped in a crude stone frame that resembled a gong. They decided to come back for the relic once Wormblod was taken care of and headed out of the cavern, following the icy river north. A day's journey behind them, they found a path that split off from the river to the woods. Passing through the forest it eventually opened up into a clearing, where they saw a hut and a group of barbarians standing in front of it.   Once the barbarians noticed the party, combat quickly ensued. Ranvas blasted the Uthgardt shaman to bits before he had time to react to anything. Wormblod whistled his pet and charged towards the heroes with his barbarians. Suddenly the ground shook and an adult Remorhaz bursted out of the ground. It's massive jaw captured Virion, while the rest of the party struggled against the Great Worm Tribe. Bene dashed from the shadows and backstabbed the chieftain, killing him off almost instantly. When Virion managed to escape the clutches of the wyrm, it turned towards Ranvas and swallowed him whole.   Virion charged in and took down half of the barbarians, crushing Wormblod's skull into bits. With calm demeanor he charged the Remorhaz and began pummeling it. Each strike resulted in excruciating pain for Virion, as the Remorhaz chitin was boiling hot. Virion fell to the ground only to be snatched into the jaws of the monster. His lifeless body was swallowed by the Remorhaz.     Bene and Nomime, now faced with the large worm and a few barbarians, rushed into action. Bene attacked the Remorhaz while Nomime hurled spells towards it. An earth elemental summoned by Nomime began bashing the creature, all the while Ranvas tried to shoot it from the inside. Bene got swallowed and the burning pain eventually resulted in him losing his consciousness. The lone wizard continued to fight the desperate battle.   Nomime took down the last barbarian as the Remorhaz prepared to devour the last standing member of the Goodfellas. To the dismay of the worm, Nomime's earth elemental jumped up and crashed on top of the Remorhaz, finally bringing it down. The combat was over, but not all members stood up.   Draajn, the Runeweaver seemed indifferent towards the party, but healed them nonetheless. Virion however did not get up. The gentle monk laid on the grass as the party sat there silently around him. Their journey to the Eye of the All-Father was at a beginning, yet the price they had already paid was greater they had imagined. Will the heroes leave their uthgardian monk to his final resting place to the Spine of the World or will they abandon their journey to the Temple? What loss, what pain will the Goodfellas have to endure before the end?

Rewards Granted

  • Pot of Awakening
  • Bracers of Defense
  • Amulet of Health

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Kill Wormblod

Character(s) interacted with

  • King Steelfist
  • Spirit of the Great Worm Cavern
  • Wormblod
  • Draajn
Storm King's Thunder
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
19 Dec 2022
Primary Location


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