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Chapter 41: Forge of the Fire Giants

General Summary

Date: 14th of Marpenoth to 15th of Marpenoth, 1491 DR

  The radiant midday sun pierced through the thick layers of clouds, illuminating the Yakfolk village. The heroes, having rested, gathered together to strategize their plans to explore the forge of the Fire Giants. Amidst their discussion, the heroes addressed Halani and the moon elves and instructed them to wait for their return by the airship that was docked below the mountain village. They promised the elves to take them to Moon Woods after they had located the Conch of Teleportation and released the prisoners.   Guided by their resolve, they ventured into the elevator chamber, a gateway that would transport them deep into the heart of Ironslag. Anticipation electrified the air as they activated the machinery, its mechanicsm humming loudly. As the elevator began its descend, each member of the heroic party steeled themselves for the challenges that awaitted them within the dungeon.   The heroes descended into the depths, the elevator passing through a dozens of mine tunnels, each level bringing them closer to the heart of Ironslag. Eventually, the resounding clank of the elevator announced their arrival to the upper level of Ironslag. Amidst the heat and sound of rattling chains, they emerged onto an iron gantry and proceeded to follow the western path, that guided them to a massive chamber that stretched out before them.   Perched upon the iron gantries, they beheld a sight that left them breathless—a massive colossus, its towering head and torso held captive by chains, its metallic form a testament to the ancient power of Giants. Among the gantries were cranes that held other colossal remnants of the fallen titan, such as a gargantuan greatsword and a gauntlet.   Below them, a massive forge dominated the chamber. In front of it, a solitary Fire Giant engrossed in a playful game with two massive hell hounds. With a flick of his mighty arm, he launched a hollow iron ball across the room, goading the fire-breathing canines into a frenzy as they eagerly chased after it.   Opting to evade the Fire Giant and his hounds, the heroes chose to delve into the opposite path, leading them east. It eventually opened up into a bustling dressing mill, where they saw eight orcs toiling under the watchful gaze of a Fire Giant. The room permeated with the rhytmic motion of a suspended bucket chain, that traversed continuously just a few feet above the ground. The orcs were tipping the buckets, sifting through the ores nad loading the retrieved iron back into them.   Seizing the element of the surprise, the heroes sprang into action, catching the creatures in the chamber off guard. Ranvas unleashed a hail of bullets from his pistol, directed towards the Fire Giant with unyielding precision. Nomime tapped into the forces of nature, conjuring a powerful tidal wave that crashed behind the colossal being, causing him to falter and kneel. Bene, a master of shadows, slipped beneath the suspended buckets, biding his time for the perfect moment to strike.   With a fiery determination, the Fire Giant regained his footing, his body emanating intense heat. Bellowing commands, he goaded the orcs into action, simultaneously grabbing chunks of ore, heating them to searing temperatures, and hurtling them toward Belros and Ranvas. The rocks collided violently, hitting the two while the Giant initiated a menacing charge. However, in the midst of the chaos, Nomime unleashed a psychic whip, momentarily disorienting the Giant, while Bene hurled an elemental dagger that thundered upon impact, rending the Giant's insides.   Unleashing another volley of ores, the Giant struck Bene, causing the bucket to shatter in the process. Seizing the opportunity, the orcs, now consumed by a frenzied fervor, closed in on Ranvas and Belros, relentlessly attacking with their brutal axes and weapons. Surrounded and facing a perilous situation, it seemed as if the tide of the battle had taken a terrifying turn. Ranvas, undeterred, emptied his gun, relentlessly chipping away at the Giant until finally, he toppled.   The fall of the Fire Giant granted a momentary respite, giving Bene the chance to intimidate the remaining orcs into submission. Faced with a critical choice, the orcs swiftly made their decision, bolting towards the elevator, leaving the heroes to catch their breath amidst the aftermath of the fierce skirmish.   After a brief rest, the adventurers confronted the lifeless body of the Fire Giant. Deciding to mutilate it, they beheaded the corpse. However, realizing the impracticality of carrying the massive head, they devised a cunning plan. They arranged the scene to make it appear as though the orcs had revolted against the giant, staging an escape. Satisfied with their ruse, the heroes turned their attention to the next phase of their journey.   With no alternative means of go forward, the heroes boarded the elevator, descending to the lower levels of Ironslag. As the elevator came to a halt, they pressed onward, traversing a northern path that led them to a grand feasting hall. Within the expansive hall, six basalt tables were being cleaned by a bustling group of nearly three dozen goblins, engrossed in their scavenging and bickering.   Seizing this opportune distraction, the heroes skillfully navigated to the northeast section of the feasting hall, discovering an adjacent hallway. They stealthily made their way through onto a t-shaped corridor, eventually opening one of the doors at the end and stepping inside.   Emerging into an exquisitely furnished chamber, the heroes recognized it as the duke's bedroom. The room exuded opulence, adorned with various items that hinted at the occupant's status. While most of the treasures proved too cumbersome to carry, Nomime deftly collected six giant-sized gold rings for the party. Furthermore, they stumbled upon a locked chest, presumably containing the coveted conch of teleportation. Deciding to defer its investigation for the time being, they resolved to continue their exploration of Ironslag.   Across from the duke's chamber, the adventurers encountered another set of doors. Curiosity piqued, they listened intently, hearing faint sounds of frustration emanating from within. Bene decided to peek through the keyhole, before planning their next move. He saw another lavishly furnished room, wherein a young fire giant lay on a bed, consumed by tears. Standing guard on either side were two indifferent hobgoblins.   The adventurers huddled, discussing their approach to the fire giant teenager. Eventually, they resolved to burst into the room, catching the hobgoblins off guard. With swift precision, Bene dispatched the hobgoblins, leaving the fire giant bewildered. However, her shock wasn't solely due to the sudden intrusion. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she recognized Ranvas, who was presumed to be deceased.   Ranvas introduced his companions, the other members of the Good Fellas, and the heroes learned of Lady Cinderhild, the daughter of the Fire Giant Duke Zalto . It became apparent that she yearned to explore the world beyond Ironslag, but her father had imprisoned her within these confines, shielding her from the perceived dangers of the outside realm. Initially, the heroes toyed with the idea of teleporting Lady Cinderhild to safety, but upon further deliberation, they devised an alternate plan.   They would stage a hostage situation, with Cinderhild held captive, to coerce Duke Zalto into releasing the prisoners and surrendering the conch of teleportation. Once outside, Cinderhild would seize the opportunity to escape and part ways with the heroes. It was a risky endeavor, met with skepticism from some members of the group, but the Good Fellas resolved to proceed nonetheless.   Entering the assembly hall, they found Duke Zalto conversing with two drow. Bene, gripping a dagger against Cinderhild's throat, demanded the duke's compliance. To their surprise, the drow displayed recognition upon hearing the name "Good Fellas," and in return, Bene, Ranvas, and Nomime noticed striking similarities to Nezznar, the Black Spider, a drow they had encountered and ultimately vanquished within the Wave Echo Cave.   Reluctantly, Duke Zalto agreed to the demands, summoning nearly fifty prisoners into the assembly hall. The conch of teleportation was retrieved, and as requested by Bene, the doors of Ironslag swung open. Stepping into the refreshing embrace of Mount Hamarhaast's cool air, the heroes were closely trailed by Duke Zalto and his loyal followers. Ranvas assisted the prisoners who were unable to walk, guiding them towards the waiting airship, while signaling the rest of the prisoners to march onward to Citadel Adbar.   Once Belros and Ranvas had returned, Bene instructed the Fire Giant Duke to toss the conch towards him. Seizing the opportune moment, Bene sprinted towards the conch, as Cinderhild darted in the opposite direction. Duke Zalto found himself faced with a pivotal decision, and in the end, he chose to pursue his daughter. Seizing this opportunity, the party made a mad dash for their lives, clutching the conch tightly in their hand.   Gaining distance from their pursuers, the Fire Giants eventually relented in their chase. Bene skillfully lockpicked the manacles, liberating the prisoners from their bondage. Their new objective was as follows: they had to guide the freed prisoners to Citadel Adbar, warning the king of the impending yakfolk assassination plot. Once this duty was fulfilled, they would accompany the moon elves back to their ancestral home in Moon Woods. And then, their path would lead them to the arid expanse of the Anauroch desert, where new challenges awaited their arrival.   Will the heroes be able to twart the yakfolk's nefarious plot and warn the king in time? What unimaginable dangers and monsters await them in the vast desert of Anauroch? And what nefarious consequences has their infamous reputation gotten them?

Rewards Granted

  • Conch of Teleportation

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Obtained the Conch of Teleportation
  • Ranvas: Free the People-Quest

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
09 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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