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Chapter 50: Beneath the Pyramids

General Summary

Date: 10th of Uktar, 1491 DR

  After the party had attached the statues head and received a blessing, they decided to rest for a short while. Suddenly they heard some noises down the hallway and a goblin dropped down the stairs. The party recognized the goblin to be Nut, the same goblin who had fought the Oni with them in Triboar. Nut was on his way to get revenge from the hags and the party decided to join forces with the goblin.   Bene led the party forwards while looking for traps. The party found a slimy hallway and decided it would be best to continue in some other direction. Next, the party came across a room which had a pipe and a mirror on top of it. Bene, Ranvas and Nomime went into the room and Nomi climbed on Ranvas’ shoulders to look into the pipe. However, after touching the pipe the room began to fill with sand. After a brief moment of panic, Ranvas suggested using the Lantern of Revealing. With the help of the light, Nomi discovered a lever which let the party leave the room.   In the next room, Bene discovered a basin with a riddle on it. On the wall, there was a wooden door with slots for stone slabs and a numbered locking system. The party attached the stones to the door and Ranvas discovered that pouring some water into the basin let him see animal figures on some of the stones. Nomi and Belros also poured water into the basin and saw different images on the stones. Bene and Nut didn’t want to sacrifice their water so they cut themselves and bled to the basin. The party realized they have to attach the correct pieces of stone next to each other to reveal the code to the locking system. The party spent HOURS with this as some of the animals were very similar to each other.   Exasperated, the party decided to check out some of the other rooms as the puzzle was not working out. Bene found a room with sarcophagi inside of them and Ranvas found a skeleton holding a backpack. Nomime was trying to find the remaining two stone pieces with Detect Magic and the Lantern of revealing. Instead, she found a magical hole in the wall and decided to peek inside. She found herself in a dark space faced with two Withers. The awakened the mummies from the sarcophagi and blasted the party with walls of fire. The party took heavy damage from the combat but managed to kill the Withers by targeting their hands when they peeked into the room while casting spells.   The party returned to the room with the puzzle door and after struggling some more they managed to open it. Scared that they had found the lair of the hags, the party decided to rest in the staircase. However, the journey through Shadowfell had taxed the party and even after resting, the party was barely standing. The party started walking down the hallway but suddenly the door burst open and a venom troll started running towards the party. Belros attacked the creature but got damaged himself as the creature’s blood was poisonous. The creature wasn't harming anyone and was seemingly rushing towards Nomime. The party eventually managed to bring it down and as it drew its last breath, a tear ran down the trolls face.   Battered and bruised, the heroes gathered themselves, ready to face the looming threat of the hags. But can they fight a formidable opponent in this state? And why was the troll acting strangely towards the party? What new levels of devilry can the party witness as they continue their journey?

Character(s) interacted with

  • Nut
Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
16 Dec 2023


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