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Everlund (formerly Besander's Blockhouse) is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon  and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.


As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant than Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The city's population is predominately human but there is also good representation of elves, half-elves, and halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest.   Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.


Everlund has an oligarchic government called the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there has been some occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council.   The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post could be held for many years, other times a few days. Kayl Moorwalker holds the position of the First Elder as of 1372 DR.


A thick stone wall encloses the city, pierced in five places by gates. The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by one Kayl Moorwalker, who was made First Elder a number of years ago after his service to the city. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, a man named Malvin Draga


The walled city was resettled by humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region.


  • Everlund
    Everlund (formerly Besander's Blockhouse) is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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